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Pelosi: House Democratic Leadership Calls on Republicans to Come to Back to Work

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today calling on the House Republican leadership to call the House back into session to get to work.  This statement follows a conference call of the House Democratic leadership today.   

"The House Democratic leadership is calling on the Republican leadership to come back to work and stop stonewalling every effort to get the job done, including making sure that taxes are not raised on tens of millions of middle class families.  

"House Democrats have been standing ready and willing to return to Washington to vote on critical issues including the middle class tax cuts, Sandy disaster relief, the Violence Against Women Act, the Farm Bill – all while we continue to work on a bipartisan solution to avoid the fiscal cliff.  There are plenty of reasons for this Do-Nothing Congress to get back to work.  
"The House Republican leadership has run out of excuses and out of time.  Their inaction continues to threaten middle class Americans with higher taxes.

"With five days left before the fiscal cliff,  Speaker Boehner should immediately call the House back into session to allow a vote on the Senate-passed middle class tax cut bill that the President has said he would sign immediately."