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“So, with that I’m honored to join the Massachusetts delegation to sing the praises of two great leaders, I say different in terms of style, but significant, both of them, in their contribution to our country, Congressman, otherwise known as Chairman John Olver, the cardinal from the Appropriations Committee and Chairman Barney Frank. It’s an honor to serve with you, a privilege to call you friend. Thank you for your service to our country."
December 19, 2012
“To change, our nation is already beginning to reassess the options before us. Leaders from both parties have stepped forward to put forward a series of steps on the table – from restoring the ban on assault weapons, to assault magazines, to strengthening the system of background checks. And again, we must address the challenge of mental health and keep weapons out of the hands of those in danger of doing harm to themselves and to others. The voices of reason cannot be silent. Through administrative and legislative action we must limit the proliferation of weapons and ammunitions that have no other purpose than to kill citizens."
December 18, 2012
“Senator Inouye led a life of principle, passion, service, and sacrifice. He was the highest ranking Asian-American in our country and he was, for a long time. His story – as an Asian-American who lived the American Dream, a soldier who served with bravery and courage, an elected representative who served with dignity – reflects the best of America. We only hope it is a comfort to his wife Irene, his son Ken, and the entire Inouye family, and his many, many friends that so many share in their grief at this sad time. I particularly – I want to praise him personally, but also bring words of comfort to his family from my constituents in California who considered him a very, very special leader in our country."
December 17, 2012
“The list goes on and on of our colleagues that Congresswoman Eshoo mentioned. For all of these Members, public service has been a calling, a cause, and a core facet of their character. California has been proud to have them as our representatives in Congress. For those of us who served with them, it is an honor to call each of you ‘colleague;’ for some of us a very, very special honor to be considered your friend. We all wish you, we wish of you much success in the years ahead, we look forward to coming, to continuing our work together on behalf of our great Golden State of California. Your service in Congress added to the luster of our Golden State."
December 12, 2012
“We’re bringing up a rule that says we should take up, have a suspension authority. Let’s bring the middle income tax cut up under suspension. I believe, and I am willing to take the chance, that this House would give over two-thirds of a vote to the middle income tax cut. A tax cut which gives – oh, do I detect your smirk to mean that you don’t think Republicans will vote for a middle income tax cut, Mr. Sessions? Should I take it to mean that you will continue to hold middle income tax cuts hostage to giving tax cuts to the wealthiest people in our country? The unfairness of it is appalling, the fact that it increases the deficit is disgraceful, and that it does not create jobs is a big mistake for us to make."
December 12, 2012
“So, in terms of spending cuts, we’re on the record having voted for about $1.6 trillion. In terms of entitlement reform, over a trillion dollars already, and more savings to be gained in further discussions on the subject. A strong down payment. What is missing are two elements that the President has put forth in his budget: growth, investments in infrastructure. Yes, the President has called for investments in infrastructure – to build the infrastructure of America and to create jobs, to grow our economy. And where are the revenues? Where are the revenues? Regardless of the cuts, or the changes in entitlements, more demanded in terms of what seniors would have to pay into Medicare and at what age that would happen, while the Republicans refuse to touch one hair on the head of the wealthiest people in our country..."
December 11, 2012
“The American people want us to work together. We are in agreement on this subject. Why? Why, my Republican colleagues, can we not vote on something where we have agreement? Where we have fairness? That will work to create jobs, to reduce the deficit, and will again, have fairness. This is the heart of the matter that is holding us here as the public watches – what is this about? This is about the $250,000 line that the President said in the campaign that he would honor and that this legislation today brings to bear."
December 4, 2012
“It is fitting that the “[Thomas] P. O’Neill Jr. Federal Building” will stand alongside the office building named for Tip’s dear friend, colleague, and partner in public service: former President and House Minority Leader Gerald Ford. As Speaker Boehner indicated, they’ll be neighbors. Indeed, reflecting on their long partnership, President Ford once said: ‘Tip O’Neill [is] an outstanding political leader and patriot who always carried the torch for the Congress and the American people.’ Carrying the torch. This statement captured the essence of Tip’s success: his extraordinary leadership; his unflinching patriotism; his belief in the common good; his devotion to the unending fight to ‘form a more perfect union.’"
November 28, 2012
Today, we honor the legendary leadership of Speaker Tip O’Neill. We’re all happy to do that. We honor his lifetime of leadership and service to our great nation. What a great patriot he was. This belief in the promise of equality and opportunity for all. His dedication to progress for all Americans..."
November 14, 2012
“We still have work to do to continue the American recovery. If the Republicans had cooperated at all with President Obama in the last two years, we’d be much farther down the road to recovery. We cooperated with President Bush but they would not offer an ounce of cooperation to President Obama and our economy has paid the price. We have reaped the benefits of some of what happened in the two years when we were in the majority and President Obama, in the first two years of his term. But so much more could have been done with some cooperation from the Republicans'
September 21, 2012