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Washington, D.C.--At a Saturday forum hosted by Northwest Bronx For Change and the Benjamin Franklin Reform Democratic Club, Congressman Eliot Engel, a senior member of the health subcommittee of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, discussed the need for health care reform and listened to the over 80 people gathered at the event.

The purpose of the forum was to educate the community about, and encourage its participation in, the national debate on health care reform. The forum consisted of a presentation by a health care advocate - Tim Foley, Health Care Policy Coordinator for New York City for Change - on recent developments and prospects for change in Washington; and participation by community residents on their experiences with the shortcomings of the health care system.

“We have a unique opportunity to do something remarkable this year and finally provide coverage to over 47 million uninsured Americans and millions of underinsured Americans. In New York, we have 2.5 million uninsured residents which provides us with 2.5 million reasons to enact health insurance reform. Enough is enough,” said Rep. Engel. “President Obama has said that ‘health care reform is the single most important thing we can do for America's long-term fiscal health.’ He is absolutely right. It is a necessity for the health of our nation and the health of our citizens.”

Heidi Schwartz, President of the Benjamin Franklin Reform Democratic Club, said, “I am very pleased that the Benjamin Franklin Reform Democratic Club is able to continue their active relationship with the Northwest Bronx for Change to offer informative and timely forums to the community. It was great to see such a fantastic turnout and to feel such passion regarding change in one room.”

“We feel that the event was a huge success and demonstrated the community's concerns for health care reform and their willingness to actively work for reform, including a strong public option. We hope to hold more events to respond to specific and urgent needs that were demonstrated today,” said Jacki Fischer, President of Northwest Bronx for Change.

“By providing comprehensive coverage to the uninsured and the underinsured, we will be able to deflect the costs of treating them from being absorbed by the health system and placed on the shoulders of the insured. Through increased prevention and wellness investment we can prevent diseases from occurring and thereby, lower costs in the long run. Through a public health insurance option, we can provide Americans with a choice of the doctors and health plan that works best for them – which may result in keeping the plan they currently have. These are priorities for health reform and aspects I will continue to fight for,” said Rep. Engel.

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and City Councilman Oliver Koppell also addressed the audience in support of city, state and federal initiatives to reform health care.

“Health care is a right of every citizen, not a privilege. For us to have over 47 million Americans without any health care whatsoever, in the year 2009, is a scandal,” added Rep. Engel.
