
  1. Why did it take so long to "rule out" magic $1T coin?  Still need to close the coin loophole and get serious about real debt reduction.

  2. Entrevista c/ prog d p/ discutir por q la nominación d Hagel no corresponde c/ nuestros intereses nacionales

  3. At 112th Air Operations Squadron Change of Command Ceremony in . Welcome Col Douglas Williams & thank you Col Keith Locklear!

  4. Wonder what my late grandfather, Frank McCotter, would think of his adopted "old sod" in Detroit's "Corktown" now?

  5. Rom 8:38-39 I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life,..shall be able to separate from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord

  6. Felicidades 2 Bertila Pozo 4 becoming primera jueza + 1st Hisp Chief Judge in MiamiDade!

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