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Pelosi Statement on Nomination of Senator John Kerry for Secretary of State

Washington, D.C. - Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today after President Obama announced his intention to nominate Senator John Kerry as the next Secretary of State:

“President Obama has made a wise choice in nominating Senator John Kerry as our country's next Secretary of State.  As the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a Vietnam veteran, the son of a diplomat, and a lifelong public servant, Senator Kerry will bring deep experience, extraordinary intellect, and sound judgment to the task of effectively representing American interests and values on the world stage.

“All Americans are grateful to Secretary Hillary Clinton for her service to our nation and her diplomatic leadership over the past four years.  She brought dignity, grace, persistence, and poise to the office, and by her actions, she helped strengthen our alliances, protect our national security, advance the cause of justice for women and girls, and secure peace worldwide.

“As she hands the reins over to Senator Kerry, we can be confident that the State Department will be left in capable hands of another experienced leader.  I congratulate the President on his decision and look forward to working with Senator Kerry to address our challenges, at home and abroad, in the future.”