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Pelosi Statement on the December Jobs Report

Washington, D.C. - Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today after the Department of Labor announced that the economy added 155,000 jobs and the unemployment rate remained at 7.8 percent in December.   With private businesses adding 168,000 jobs, this marks the 34th consecutive month of private sector job growth:

“Today’s jobs report shows our economy continues to create private sector jobs, and with the start of the 113th Congress, we have an opportunity for a new beginning to work together to strengthen our middle class and small businesses and grow our economy.

“As we enter the new Congress, Americans are calling on us to search for common ground.  Upcoming debates should not be used as an opportunity for political brinksmanship that simply serves to undermine consumer confidence, jeopardize job growth, weaken our economy, and risk the economic security of the middle class.

“With the fiscal cliff averted and middle class tax cuts preserved, Democrats and Republicans must work side-by-side to seek and find solutions to our economic challenges.  Only together will we be able to create jobs, spur our prosperity, bolster our middle class, and achieve progress for the American people.”