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Pelosi Statement on Nominations of Former Senator Hagel, Counterterrorism Chief Brennan to Key National Security Posts

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today after President Obama announced his intention to nominate former Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel to be the next Secretary of Defense and Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism John Brennan to be the next Director of the CIA:

“For the past four years, at the CIA and the Pentagon, Secretary Leon Panetta has worked to help the President meet his responsibilities to keep Americans safe, and we commend him for his extraordinary leadership and thank him for his decades of service to our country.  

“Today, President Obama has asked Senator Hagel and John Brennan to stand by him to execute his policies and fulfill his duties as our Commander-in-Chief.

“Senator Chuck Hagel is a public servant to his core: a hero on the battlefield, a leader for our troops as head of the USO, and a Senator who worked across the aisle to get things done.  If confirmed, he would be the first enlisted soldier to ever lead the Defense Department.  

“John Brennan is a lifelong intelligence professional and a leader in our efforts to combat terrorism and secure our homeland.  He has earned the trust of the President and the respect of the intelligence community and our allies abroad.

“President Obama nominated two individuals with long records of service, extensive experience, and a deep commitment to the security of the American people.  There is no doubt about their understanding of our challenges and their qualifications to meet them, and their devotion to the defense of our country.”