
On Veterans Day, Let Us Honor Veterans and Express Our Undying Gratitude for Their Service

On Veterans Day, we come together as a nation to honor the patriotism, courage, and service of all of our men and women in uniform. We pay tribute to those who served; those who returned from battle forever changed; those who gave their lives abroad so we could be safe here at home. These bands of brothers and sisters volunteer on our behalf, in the name of freedom, in defense of liberty. We honor their valor, draw inspiration from their deeds and their bravery, and commit to never forget their actions nor forsake their sacrifice.

Our soldiers and sailors, airmen, Coast Guardsmen, and Marines, unite all Members of Congress – Democrats and Republicans – behind the common cause of gratitude for our veterans and their families. From the New GI Bill to the largest increase in veterans’ health care funding in history, I am proud that the accomplishments of the last four years mark the greatest progress for America’s service members since the original GI Bill of 1944. All of this work is grounded in a solemn promise: just as the military pledges to leave no soldier behind on the battlefield, we will leave no veteran behind when they come home.

Our troops pay any price and bear any burden for our security. They are a true testament to our strength as a people. Because of them, we are the land of the free and the home of the brave. Today, let us honor their contributions to our nation and express our undying gratitude for their service.

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