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Pelosi Statement on Introduction of a Short-Term Extension of Current CR

Washington, D.C. - Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi announced this evening the introduction of a short-term extension of the current Continuing Resolution (CR) until March 31 to prevent any interruption in vital government services.  The legislation will be sponsored by Leader Pelosi, Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn, Ranking Member Norm Dicks of the Appropriations Committee and Ranking Member Chris Van Hollen of the Budget Committee.

“In light of the hundreds of amendments to the Continuing Resolution, the President's Day week-long recess and the need for the House to establish priorities and reconcile this legislation with the Senate by March 4, we are proposing a short-term extension of the current CR until March 31.  This legislation will allow Congress to complete work on FY 2011 appropriations without punishing the American people by denying them vital services. 

“This bill would continue the freeze in government spending contained in the current CR.   In order to give Congress time to finish the legislation and avoid the calamitous effect of a government shutdown on the American people, I am hopeful Republican leaders will agree to a short term extension of the freeze as we work to pass a bill the President can sign into law for the remainder of 2011.”