Press Releases

“Congress must pay for the bills it already committed. Republicans who are threatening to force America to default on its debt for the first time in our history will do great damage to our economy, to our middle class, and to our world standing. We must not forget that this type of rhetoric from House Republicans led to the first downgrade of our country’s credit rating, weakened our economy, and cost American taxpayers in 2011."

January 14, 2013

“President Obama has made the right choice in nominating Jack Lew to serve as our nation's next Secretary of the Treasury – selecting a public servant of dignity and commitment to help spur our economic growth, instill confidence in consumers and the markets, and protect and strengthen the middle class."

January 10, 2013

“Secretary Hilda Solis has established an extraordinary record as an unflinching advocate for American workers, a dedicated leader for the equality of women in the workplace, a critical voice for Democrats in Congress, and a bold leader in President Obama’s administration."

January 9, 2013

“Today, President Obama has asked Senator Hagel and John Brennan to stand by him to execute his policies and fulfill his duties as our Commander-in-Chief."

January 7, 2013

"Yesterday on the floor, I presented several issues that I think we can work together on, extend a hand of friendship to the Republicans to say, let's work together for job creation, for good paying jobs here in America, build our infrastructure, address our energy challenges, Make It In America so America's families can Make It In America; talked about the safety of the American people that we want to, again, we must work together in a bipartisan way in what the President has called the national conversation, Congress' role in that in terms of protecting our children in their schools, in their homes, in their neighborhoods and communities across the country..."

January 4, 2013

Fact Checks

As many continue to suffer from tough economic times and still too high rate of unemployment, American families and small businesses face additional hardship of record gas prices - averaging nearly $4.00 per gallon. This is causing both pain at the pump, as well as rising costs for food and other basic household goods. But Republicans want to keep handing taxpayer subsidies to Big Oil and pass 'Drill Only' bills that do nothing to ease the pain at the pump.
May 12, 2011
This week marks the first anniversary of the Affordable Care Act - a law that ensures all Americans have access to quality, affordable health care and significantly reduces long-term health care costs. The debate on health reform was often filled with frightening--and wrong--information. One year later, we check in on what happened and what didn't.
March 21, 2011
Since Enactment of Health Reform, There Have Been Nine Straight Months of Private Sector Job Growth - Adding 1.1 Million New Private Sector Jobs
January 18, 2011
According to a report released yesterday by the Center for Automotive Research, government action supporting the auto industry prevented a $26.8 billion loss to the American taxpayer and saved nearly 1.5 million American jobs.
November 18, 2010
Congressional Republicans are planning to unveil the 'new' GOP agenda tomorrow, 'A Pledge to America.' Early press reports indicate Republicans will promote more of the same failed policies
September 22, 2010


The following editorial by the New York Times Editorial Board appeared in the January 10th, 2013 print edition of the New York Times discussing the detrimental impact of the House Republicans 'majority-of-the-majority' rule and highlighting Leader Pelosi's repudiation of this informal practice during her Speakership.
January 10, 2013
The following article by Carl Hulse appeared in the New York Times about Leader Pelosi's priorities at the start of the 113th Congress.
January 9, 2013
The following article by Carolyn Lochhead appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle highlighting the crucial place Leader Pelosi has in finding a resolution to the "fiscal cliff."
December 30, 2012
The following op-ed by Leader Pelosi appeared on the USA Today website highlighting the danger of House Republican proposals to raise the Medicare eligibility age as part of the fiscal cliff negotiations.
December 11, 2012
The following article by Jim Rowley appeared on Bloomberg highlighting the historic diversity of the House Democratic Caucus and the House Democratic Leadership in the 113th Congress.
December 5, 2012


“In our time, the CBC has led the way in protecting the most vulnerable, working to strengthen the middle class and those striving to get into what the CBC has stood for: better jobs, and growing small businesses, not only through job growth but equity, equity for all, better schools and greater access to medical care. The CBC has promoted diversity in government – exemplified by our Democratic Caucus, now the first in history, this is the first time in history that the Democratic Caucus in the House will be made up of a majority of women, minorities, and members of the LGBT community."
January 8, 2013
“So, let’s honor our responsibilities, which is, again, the place where people place their trust. You know, they ignore government, they don’t like government, they don’t want this, they don’t want that, but at a time like this, in a time of emergency is really when we prove our worth. Let’s prove our worth and urge the Speaker to bring this legislation to the floor, quickly deal with while the Senate is still there, it can be sent to the President for his signature and hope can flow from here instead of a sense of wonderment – of ‘don’t tell me that.’"
January 2, 2013
“And now tonight, tonight is this Congress, this House of Representatives [is] going to pull the rug out again from them legislatively? Just to remind: the Senate of the United States, in a bipartisan fashion, passed a $6.4 billion assistance program for this natural disaster, it met the documented needs that were put forth by the people of the regions, by Governor Christie, by Governor Cuomo, by Governor Malloy, by Mayor Bloomberg, and so many others."
January 2, 2013
“We will increase, by voting for this legislation and passing it in a strong bipartisan way, we’ll increase the confidence of consumers, of the markets, of businesses, of employers to hire more. We will extend unemployment insurance to people who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. This is very, very important, not only to those individuals, but to our economy, because this is money that is spent immediately, injecting demand into the economy, creating jobs. We’ll extend permanent tax relief for the middle class, for more than 98 percent of American taxpayers, more than 97 percent of America’s small businesses. We will support our middle class, strengthen it by supporting child tax credits, credits for higher education, American Opportunity credits, Earned Income Tax Credit, and the like, our distinguished Ranking Member went through some of the provisions, but it’s important to see them in light of what they mean to America’s working families. And by doing this, by voting for this agreement, we will demonstrate that we have listened to the American people, we have heeded their call, once again, to work together in a bipartisan way."
January 1, 2013
“So, with that I’m honored to join the Massachusetts delegation to sing the praises of two great leaders, I say different in terms of style, but significant, both of them, in their contribution to our country, Congressman, otherwise known as Chairman John Olver, the cardinal from the Appropriations Committee and Chairman Barney Frank. It’s an honor to serve with you, a privilege to call you friend. Thank you for your service to our country."
December 19, 2012


"So, in order to reignite the American Dream – that’s what we’re about – to build ladders of opportunity for those who want to work hard, play by the rules, take responsibility, to have those ladders have sides about small business and entrepreneurship and a strong and thriving middle class, we have work to do. And I have made a decision to submit my name to my colleagues to once again serve as the House Democratic Leader."
November 14, 2012
House Democratic Motions on the Previous Question during the 112th Congress.
October 5, 2012
House Democratic Motions to Recommit during the 112th Congress.
October 4, 2012
The Do-Nothing GOP is skipping town for 2 months, the earlier Congress has left in an election year since 1960. It's a fitting end for a failed term.
September 20, 2012
House Republicans continue to waste their breath with hot air on health care instead of focusing on jobs.
July 11, 2012