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  1. Share if you agree... Washington doesn't have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.

    On Twitter? Join the conversation with #SpendingIsTheProblem
    Photo: Share if you agree... Washington doesn't have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.

On Twitter? Join the conversation with #SpendingIsTheProblem
  2. Spending is the problem, but apparently not for Senate Democrats. They have gone 1,350 days without a budget--that's unacceptable. Check it out and share:
    Photo: Spending is the problem, but apparently not for Senate Democrats. They have gone 1,350 days without a budget--that's unacceptable. Check it out and share:
  3. Today I was humbled and honored to be sworn in by Speaker John Boehner to serve the people of Eastern Washington in the 113th Congress. While the challenges ahead are great, our resolve is far greater. I thank you, the great people of Eastern Washington, for electing me. I am honored to serve you, to represent you, and to know you.
    Photo: Today I was humbled and honored to be sworn in by Speaker John Boehner to serve the people of Eastern Washington in the 113th Congress.  While the challenges ahead are great, our resolve is far greater.  I thank you, the great people of Eastern Washington, for electing me.  I am honored to serve you, to represent you, and to know you.
  4. Speaker Boehner delivers The Weekly Republican Address on the House's action to avert the fiscal cliff. "We will continue to work with our colleagues in the Congress and the White House on a plan that protects families and small businesses," Boehner says. It's now up to Senate Democrats and the president to work with us.
  5. The president's rhetoric on cutting spending is just that—rhetoric. Take a look and share:
    Photo: The president's rhetoric on cutting spending is just that—rhetoric. Take a look and share:
  6. The president keeps calling for a balanced approach to averting the fiscal cliff, but his actions say otherwise. Check out and share the chart below:
    Photo: The president keeps calling for a balanced approach to averting the fiscal cliff, but his actions say otherwise. Check out and share the chart below:
  7. Watch and share highlights from our press conference: "The Effect of Debt on American Families"
  8. We are working to protect as many taxpayers as possible from tax hikes that will go into effect if the fiscal cliff is not averted. Catch today's press conference:

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