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    McConnell: Time to confront 'spending addiction'

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell says that "absolutely the tax issue is behind us" as a result of the "fiscal cliff" deal and that it's now time to focus solely on confronting what he calls "our spending addiction."

    He says it shouldn't require a crisis for President Barack Obama and the Democratic majority in the Senate to address federal spending and the future of big entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security.

    The Kentucky Republican tells ABC's "This Week" that waiting until the last minute of a deadline — as was the case with the fiscal cliff — is no way to run the government.



    • Lonnie  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      Eliminate a lobby(bribery)within the corrupt wallstreet congress
    • Mike  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      Outrageous spending should have been stopped long before it got to this point. As Barney Fife would say, Niip it, nip it in the bud.
      • I am Lar Bear 22 hrs ago
        @ChitFromChinola ; How in '85 - 2nd Term Ronald Reagan and Alan Greenspan Pulled off one of the Greatest Raid on Social Security & Medicare "Discourse of the Raid" & "Stop the Raid on Social Security" "thebookofcletis" blog "raid-on-social-security" The 83 payroll tax hike was to be set aside to build up a surplus fund for the baby boomers, a surplus revenue to FUND Medicare and Social Security for the NEXT 30-40 years. McConnell should "step up to the plate" instead of pointing fingers at the President and be doing to end the ALL the add ins on Bills - like the FAT that was in this last Bill. Majority of Bills are never read in full - page by page to find & see all the FAT that's in it!
        "The Entitlement's" SS & Medicare have NEVER been the problem - attack AMA for over charging and waist of billings.

        As to "The Entitlement's" SS & Medicare are Annuities that we have paid into for years - just like the Insurance Annuities if you had bought - Say you bought a Ins.policy for your car, get into an accident - Don't you want your bills paid for - get your car fixed - or- have an Ins. company say "We'll pay your less!"
    • krain  •  1 day 2 hrs ago
      Time to confront campaign contribution addiction!
    • Mr. Independent  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      I think we all know we need to cut spending... Its where those cuts are made that causes the fight. What I don't understand is why when we talk about cuts its always those that benefit the most needy of american people that are cut first instead of corporate welfare, foreign countries and our bloated military contractors.
      Where were all these people screaming about cuts when we were racking up these huge debts in the last decade? This bloated debt didn't just happen,its like a snowball rolling down hill gathering momentum...
    • Lonnie  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      Start supervising major banks<with 20 year sentences for abuse and stealing
    • mike  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      Medicare and Social Security are not "entitlement programs." Millions of us worked for many years to pay for this small piece of security.
    • Lonnie  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      Corporate welfare cost treasury 2 trillion per year<that would be good start
    • Higher Purpose  •  1 day 1 hr ago
      Shame on you Senator for wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare without even considering corporate tax reform and defense spending .
    • joe  •  1 day 1 hr ago
      time for obama and congress to Leave Social Security and Medicare alone - American Seniors Earned those Benefirs ...........Welfare Cheats and Illegals are why these programs are broke - and of course washin#$%$on Stealing $$ from these programs needs to STOP too
    • 10-BUCK-2  •  1 day 1 hr ago
      Hey McConnell,
      The funds in Social Security & Medicare is NOT yours and is NOT an Entitlement.

      Here are the facts;

      Definition of Social Security: “Benefits are funded by taxes imposed on wages of employees and self-employed persons. In the case of employment, the employer and employee are each responsible for one half of the Social Security tax, with the employee's half being withheld from the employee's pay check. In the case of self-employed persons (i.e., independent contractors), the self-employed person is responsible for the entire amount of Social Security tax.”

      Medicare is funded by revenue from a 2.9 percent payroll tax levied on employers and workers (each pay 1.45 percent) established by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) and the Self-Employment Contributions Act of 1954.
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