Daily Digest

Daily Digest/Highlights + Senate

[Daily Digest]
[Page D994]
                                         Friday, September 19, 2014

[[Page D994]]

                              Daily Digest


      House agreed to S. Con. Res. 44, Adjournment Resolution.


Chamber Action
  The Senate was not in session and stands adjourned until 10 a.m., on 
Wednesday, October 15, 2014.


Daily Digest/Senate Committee Meetings

[Daily Digest]
[Page D994]
Committee Meetings
  No committee meetings were held.


Daily Digest/House of Representatives

[Daily Digest]
[Page D994]
                        House of Representatives

Chamber Action
Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 9 public bills, H.R. 5672-
5680; and 2 resolutions, H.J. Res. 128; and H. Res. 747 were 
  Pages H7900-01
Additional Cosponsors:
  Page H7901
Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows:
  H.R. 4867, to provide for certain land to be taken into trust for the 
benefit of Morongo Band of Mission Indians, and for other purposes, 
with an amendment (H. Rept. 113-606) and
  H.R. 4299, to amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to 
drug scheduling recommendations by the Secretary of Health and Human 
Services, and with respect to registration of manufacturers and 
distributors seeking to conduct clinical testing, with an amendment (H. 
Rept. 113-565, Pt. 2).
Page H7900
Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he appointed 
Representative Wolf to act as Speaker pro tempore for today. 
                                                             Page H7895
Adjournment Resolution: The House agreed to S. Con. Res. 44, providing 
for a conditional adjournment or recess of the Senate and an 
adjournment of the House of Representatives.
  Page H7896
Senate Message: Message received from the Senate by the Clerk and 
subsequently presented to the House today appears on page H7895.
Senate Referrals: S. 2040, S. 2583, S. 2673, S. 1360, and S. 2912 were 
held at the desk; S. 1611 was referred to the Committees on Oversight 
and Government Reform and Armed Services; S. 1691 was referred to the 
Committees on Oversight and Government Reform and Homeland Security; S. 
2061 was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform; 
S. 2778 was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs; and S. 2793 
was referred to the Committee on Armed Services.
  Page H7897
Quorum Calls--Votes: There were no yea-and-nay votes, and there were no 
Recorded votes. There were no quorum calls.
Adjournment: The House met at 12 noon and at 12:07 p.m., pursuant to S. 
Con. Res. 44, the House stands adjourned until 2 p.m. on Wednesday, 
November 12, 2014.


Daily Digest/House Committee Meetings

[Daily Digest]
[Pages D994-D995]
Committee Meetings
Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Health held a hearing 
entitled ``21st Century Cures: Examining Ways to Combat Antibiotic 
Resistance and Foster New Drug Development''. Testimony was heard from 
Janet Woodcock, Director, Center for

[[Page D995]]

Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration; and public 
Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and 
Emerging Threats held a hearing entitled ``Islamist Foreign Fighters 
Returning Home and the Threat to Europe''. Testimony was heard from 
public witnesses.
Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Oversight and 
Management Efficiency held a hearing entitled ``Oversight of the DHS 
Headquarters Project at St. Elizabeths: Impact on the Taxpayer''. 
Testimony was heard from David Maurer, Director, Homeland Security and 
Justice, Government Accountability Office; Chris Cummiskey, Acting 
Under Secretary, Management Directorate, Department of Homeland 
Security; and Norman Dong, Commissioner, Public Buildings Service, 
General Services Administration.
Committee on Natural Resources: Subcommittee on Water and Power held a 
hearing on H.R. 4924, the ``Bill Williams River Water Rights Settlement 
Act of 2014''. Testimony was heard from Thomas Buschatzke, Assistant 
Director, Arizona Department of Water Resources; Michael Black, 
Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior; and 
public witnesses.

Joint Meetings
  No joint committee meetings were held.


Daily Digest/COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR 2014-09-22

[Daily Digest]
[Page D995]

                           SEPTEMBER 22, 2014

  (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)


  No meetings/hearings scheduled.


  No hearings are scheduled.
[The following hearing will be held while the House is not in session.]
  Committee on Foreign Affairs, October 1, Subcommittee on the 
Western Hemisphere, hearing entitled ``Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi: 
Our Marine in Mexican Custody'', 10 a.m., 2172 Rayburn.


Daily Digest/Next Meeting of the SENATE + Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES + Other End Matter

[Daily Digest]
[Pages D995-D996]

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[[Page D996]]


                       Next Meeting of the SENATE
                     10 a.m., Wednesday, October 15

                             Senate Chamber
Program for Wednesday: Senate will meet in a pro forma session.

              Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                     2 p.m., Wednesday, November 12

                             House Chamber
Program for Wednesday: To be announced.

            Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue
Bachmann, Michele, Minn., E1485, E1488
Barber, Ron, Ariz., E1453, E1456, E1498
Barletta, Lou, Pa., E1455
Barr, Andy, Ky., E1463, E1499
Bishop, Sanford D., Jr., Ga., E1474
Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E1486, E1488, E1497, E1501
Bonamici, Suzanne, Ore., E1452
Bordallo, Madeleine Z., Guam, E1451, E1485
Brown, Corrine, Fla., E1495
Brownley, Julia, Calif., E1461, E1463, E1465, E1467
Byrne, Bradley, Ala.,E1461
Capito, Shelley Moore, W.Va., E1484
Capuano, Michael E., Mass., E1468
Castro, Joaquin, Tex., E1466
Clyburn, James E., S.C., E1481, E1483, E1490
Coffman, Mike, Colo., E1456, E1465
Cole, Tom, Okla., E1457
Conyers, John, Jr., Mich., E1473
Cooper, Jim, Tenn., E1505
Costa, Jim, Calif., E1471, E1473, E1475, E1477, E1478, E1479, E1479
Courtney, Joe, Conn., E1471
Cuellar, Henry, Tex., E1480, E1483, E1485
Davis, Danny K., Ill., E1496
Denham, Jeff, Calif., E1456
DesJarlais, Scott, Tenn., E1501
Deutch, Theodore E., Fla., E1458
Duncan, John J., Tenn., E1489
Ellison, Keith, Minn., E1469, E1475, E1491
Engel, Eliot L., N.Y., E1469
Enyart, William L., Ill., E1467
Eshoo, Anna G., Calif., E1476
Fincher, Stephen Lee, Tenn., E1461
Fitzpatrick, Michael G., Pa., E1468, E1479
Fleischmann, Charles J. ``Chuck'', Tenn., E1501
Foxx, Virginia, N.C., E1499
Frankel, Lois, Fla., E1477
Garamendi, John, Calif., E1475, E1481, E1487, E1491, E1493, E1500
Gerlach, Jim, Pa., E1483
Goodlatte, Bob, Va., E1472
Graves, Sam, Mo., E1459
Grayson, Alan, Fla., E1487, E1496, E1500
Green, Gene, Tex., E1482
Hahn, Janice, Calif., E1497
Holt, Rush, N.J., E1474
Hoyer, Steny H., Md., E1453
Huffman, Jared, Calif., E1452, E1454, E1461
Israel, Steve, N.Y., E1460, E1468
Jackson Lee, Sheila, Tex., E1455, E1457
Johnson, Eddie Bernice, Tex., E1478, E1481
Kaptur, Marcy, Ohio, E1458
Keating, William R., Mass., E1485
Kilmer, Derek, Wash., E1506
Lamborn, Doug, Colo., E1484
Larsen, Rick, Wash., E1502
Latham, Tom, Iowa, E1455
Latta, Robert E., Ohio, E1506
Lewis, John, Ga., E1473
Lofgren, Zoe, Calif., E1488
Long, Billy, Mo., E1472, E1474, E1475, E1477, E1478
Lujan Grisham, Michelle, N.M., E1466, E1468, E1470, E1478, E1487, 
E1493, E1500
Lujan, Ben Ray, N.M., E1498
McCarthy, Carolyn, N.Y., E1452
McCarthy, Kevin, Calif., E1506
McClintock, Tom, Calif., E1451
McGovern, James P., Mass., E1482
McKeon, Howard P. ``Buck'', Calif., E1451
Meehan, Patrick, Pa., E1485, E1486
Miller, Jeff, Fla., E1452, E1487, E1488, E1492, E1496, E1500
Moran, James P., Va., E1453
Neal, Richard E., Mass., E1493
Nolan, Richard M., Minn., E1489, E1505
Norton, Eleanor Holmes, D.C., E1471, E1477
Pallone, Frank, Jr., N.J., E1470, E1472
Pascrell, Bill, Jr., N.J., E1466
Pelosi, Nancy, Calif., E1462
Peters, Gary C., Mich., E1486, E1498, E1501
Petri, Thomas E., Wisc., E1482
Pingree, Chellie, Me., E1478
Poe, Ted, Tex., E1452
Posey, Bill, Fla., E1462
Quigley, Mike, Ill., E1473
Rahall, Nick J., II, W.Va., E1492
Rangel, Charles B., N.Y., E1479
Reed, Tom, N.Y., E1469
Reichert, David G., Wash., E1463
Rogers, Mike, Ala., E1499
Roskam, Peter J., Ill., E1492, E1499
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, Fla., E1490
Ross, Dennis A., Fla., E1456
Rothfus, Keith J, Fla., E1490
Ryan, Tim, Ohio, E1462
Salmon, Matt, Ariz., E1480, E1483
Sarbanes, John P., Md., E1454
Schakowsky, Janice D., Ill., E1468
Schrader, Kurt, Ore., E1504
Schwartz, Allyson Y., Pa., E1456
Austin, David, Ga., E1473, E1481
Shea-Porter, Carol, N.H., E1505
Shuster, Bill, Pa., E1455, E1456, E1458
Slaughter, Louise McIntosh, N.Y., E1461
Smith, Adam, Wash., E1501, E1504, E1506
Smith, Christopher H., N.J., E1459, E1491
Speier, Jackie, Calif.,E1465, E1472, E1504
Stivers, Steve, Ohio, E1504
Swalwell, Eric, Calif., E1466, E1477
Thompson, Mike, Calif., E1477
Titus, Dina, Nev., E1454, E1483
Van Hollen, Chris, Md., E1464, E1467
Veasey, Marc A., Tex., E1497
Velazquez, Nydia M., N.Y., E1479, E1505
Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E1451
Walden, Greg, Ore., E1453
Webster, Daniel, Fla., E1454
Wenstrup, Brad R., Ohio, E1463, E1501
Wilson, Joe, S.C., E1498
Wolf, Frank R., Va., E1462, E1464, E1502
