Robert Menendez

US Senator for New Jersey
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Legislation to Keep New Jerseyans & Americans Safe

In 2012 a Conrail train carrying toxic vinyl chloride derailed while crossing a bridge in Paulsboro, NJ. As freight cars fell off the tracks, 20,000 gallons of vinyl chloride leaked into Mantua Creek and the surrounding neighborhoods, putting families and first responders at terrible risk.

When the National Transportation Safety Board finished its investigation and released its report this summer, it confirmed what many New Jerseyans already believed: failures by Conrail to properly inspect the safety of the bridge, to train their employees and to alert the community about the toxic chemicals they were transporting, caused the terrible accident and helped create chaos and confusion in its wake.

Senator Menendez doesn't want to see this happen again! That’s why he wrote legislation that creates tough new safety standards for railroads and tough penalties for a company that violates them. Plus, it makes it a requirement that the community knows – before a train arrives – exactly what it’s carrying in case of an emergency.

Click here if you want to read more about theTRACK Act.

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Photo: Senator Menendez receives information about the incident from Coast Guard Captain Kathleen Moore, who is the commander of the Delaware Bay Sector and Paulsboro accident commander.

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In Your Words

Here's what New Jerseyans have to say about the TRACK Act:

"We need these tough new safety standards for railroads."

"I want to know that my loved ones are safe from this type of accident happening again."

"It is about time someone took the time to do something about the dangers of transporting hazardous materials by truck or train."

"Lets get this The Track Act in law NOW."

"How these common sense precautions are not already the standard defies explanation."

"It is time to make industries fully responsible for the harms they have caused."

"Public safety is more important that profit of any company. It is a priority. "

"I believe in transparency and safety and support this legislation."