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As a conservative and a father and grandfather, I am committed to protecting the traditional values so important to our community in Northwest Georgia. I proudly support legislation that values human life, protects our religious liberties, and upholds the institution of marriage, including:

  • The Pledge Protection Act, legislation to protect the Pledge of Allegiance from attacks by activist federal judges seeking to rule it unconstitutional. 
  • The Marriage Amendment, a Constitutional amendment declaring marriage to be between one man and one woman.
  • The Freedom to Display the American Flag Act, legislation to ensure an individual has the right to display the U.S. flag on residential property.
  • The Public Expression of Religion Act, a bill to ensure local officials and communities do not face financial ruin to defend their rights to free speech under the Constitution.
  • The Human Cloning Prohibition Act, legislation to ban human cloning and the importation of products derived from cloned human embryos.
  • Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act, a bill to prohibit governments from using federal funds to confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens during emergencies.


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