Gingrey congratulates SHAPE Honor Roll schools

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Washington, D.C., Sep 12, 2013 | Jen Talaber (202.225.2931) | comments

Today in the Congressional Record, Congressman Phil Gingrey, M.D. honored Governor Deal's recently announced recipients of the SHAPE Honor Roll program awards. Below are his remarks.

"Mr. Speaker, today I rise to congratulate 19 schools in Georgia’s 11th District for being awarded medals in the SHAPE Honor Roll program."

As a former member of the Marietta school board, it is a great source of pride to see students back home working hard to create healthy habits that will last them a lifetime." 

Under the leadership of Governor Deal last year, the SHAPE program began as a statewide initiative in Georgia to help combat childhood obesity and create lifelong healthy habits through physical activity, nutrition, and wellness. Since then, a dedicated network of partners, agencies, and athletic teams have joined forces in their commitment to helping Georgia’s youth achieve a greater level of fitness and commend public schools that help them do so."

This year’s esteemed award-winners include public institutions from the elementary to high school level across the state of Georgia. Students, parents, administration officials, and instructors have gone above and beyond their duties in ensuring that their youth understand the mental and physical benefits of a healthy lifestyle, and should look upon this accomplishment with great enthusiasm."

Mr. Speaker, this distinguished group of awarded educational communities has established a benchmark of excellence which schools across the nation should aspire to. On behalf of Georgia’s 11th Congressional District, I congratulate these educational communities on this achievement, and extend my deepest thanks for their dedication to the youth of our community."
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