Content and Decency

The content of broadcast programming and decency standards for broadcast television and radio has gotten a lot of attention in recent months. It is clear that the amount of unsuitable, violent and adult-oriented programming on the air has increased in recent years. Congress has worked on legislation that would increase the penalties for indecency, prohibit the broadcast of certain words and phrases and express disapproval of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Enforcement Bureau's decisions regarding recent broadcasts.

I will continue to monitor legislation related to broadcast decency. Clearly, while programmers and performers are responsible for the material they broadcast, parents retain the ultimate responsibility over which programs are viewed and listened to by their children. As such, I also support the conclusion reached by many that if people would turn off violent and inappropriate programs in their homes, the networks would get the message that their viewers want a change in what is broadcast. In the meantime, I will continue to closely follow relevant legislation and the FCC's efforts in this area. Although I do not presently serve on the Senate Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over these matters, I will support any appropriate oversight investigations and appropriate legislation concerning these matters.

Last updated 04/23/2013