Oversight and Government Reform Committee Archive Page
Parlaying over a decade of experience as Chairman (2007 – 2008) and Ranking Member (1997 – 2006) of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee into his leadership role on the Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep. Henry A. Waxman has been long regarded as an effective voice for Americans in an era when special interests often dominate public discourse. Upon assuming Chairmanship of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce in 2008, Rep. Waxman was able to translate his background of uncovering waste, fraud, and abuse, into a robust list of legislative accomplishments that ensure fair competition, free flow of truthful information in the marketplace, product safety and additional protections for the most susceptible among us.
As Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Rep. Waxman conducted investigations into a wide range of topics. From 2001 to 2008, Rep. Waxman worked to oppose efforts by the Bush Administration to block congressional oversight and roll back health and environmental laws. He launched investigations of White House ties to Enron, contract abuses in Iraq, and the politicization of science. He also fought for disclosure of the names of the energy industry lobbyists who shaped the White House energy plan and filed suit to force the Administration to released "adjusted" data from the 2000 Census that corrects for the undercount of minorities. In addition, Rep. Waxman repeatedly fought efforts by EPA to relax important air pollution and drinking water protections and by FDA to weaken enforcement of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
For more information about Congressman Waxman’s work on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, visit the archived website here.