House Committee on Education and Labor
U.S. House of Representatives

Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon
Ranking Member

Fiscally responsible reforms for students, workers and retirees.


Fact Sheet

December 16, 2009

Republican Prescription for Health Care Reform

Despite claims to the contrary by the Obama Administration and their Democrat allies, House Republicans have been hard at work proposing commonsense health care reforms to lower the cost of health care, expand access to more Americans, and maintain quality through a strong doctor-patient relationship. 

Unlike the Democrats’ proposals to date, House Republicans have authored legislation that the independent, non-partisan Congressional Budget Office states would lower premiums for American families by up to 10 percent and reduce the deficit by $68 billion. Our proposals are built on a commitment to fiscal responsibility and a refusal to grow the burden on small businesses by imposing tax hikes and new mandates on our nation’s job creators. 

Republican Health Care Solutions: 

  • Association Health Plans – Small businesses should have the right to pool their resources together in order to provide affordable health care for their employees. Republicans believe our nation’s most prolific job creators deserve the same access to quality, affordable health care that larger corporations and unions currently enjoy.

  • Shopping for Health Insurance Across State Lines – A proven way to lower cost is to expand competition. Currently, American families cannot shop for health insurance across state lines. Republican reforms would break down this barrier and give Americans more choice.

  • End Junk Lawsuits – Out-of-control malpractice lawsuits drive up the cost of health care as physicians live under the threat of being sued. Republicans support malpractice reforms that will protect the rights of patients and their doctors.

  • Protecting Patients with Pre-existing Conditions – Republicans believe no one should be denied health insurance due to a pre-existing condition. That is why we support the creation of a Universal Access Program to strengthen state-based high risk pools so Americans with chronic medical conditions can secure affordable health care.

  • Protecting Taxpayers, Small Businesses, and Senior Citizens – While the Democrats’ proposals will raise taxes on families and job creators as well as slash $500 billion from Medicare – including the popular and successful Medicare Advantage program – Republicans remain focused on reforms that will not break the bank, cost our economy jobs, or undermine the quality of care for America’s seniors.