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October 1, 2013

Ellmers Statement on Government Shutdown

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC-02) released the following statement this morning after the US Senate refused to pass the House version of a continuing resolution to keep the government running last night:

"I hoped this day would never come, but unfortunately Senate Democrats and President Obama refused to come to the table to negotiate our differences and devise a solution as to how we can best perform our responsibilities as stewards of taxpayer dollars. I was elected to Congress to serve the people and stand up to the reckless spending that has strangled our economy and our potential - and in particular, the devastating impact that Obamacare will have on our nation. Here in the House, we passed numerous bills over the past weeks and months to avoid this shutdown. But absent any meaningful reforms or solutions, Democrats have remained intent on wasting money with no regard to our debt and obligations."

"As of midnight yesterday, my district offices will be closed until further notice in accordance with the Constitution and the Anti-Deficiency Act. My Washington office will remain open but have limited resources to provide public services. We will continue to keep constituents informed on the latest regarding this shutdown through my website at www.ellmers.house.gov"

Click here to view Congresswoman Ellmers' interview on CNN's New Day yesterday morning.

Click here to view Congresswoman Ellmers' interview on MSNBC yesterday morning.

Click here to view Congresswoman Ellmers' interview on Fox News last week.