Blackburn Works to Support Needs of Nation’s Military

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Washington, Dec 4 | Mike Reynard (202-225-1112) | comments
Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)) today issued the following statement on her vote in support of the Carl Levin and Howard P. ‘Buck’ McKeon National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015.

“Like many installations across the country, Ft. Campbell is facing reductions that will have an impact on military readiness programs as well as installation infrastructure. That is why I was so pleased to secure provisions in this bill to address the needs of the thousands of military personnel who call Ft. Campbell home,” Blackburn said. “I strongly support this bill to ensure our warfighters and their families receive the care and support they have earned and deserve.

“This legislation includes a provision I have routinely championed to restore the Army Flying Hours Program. For aviation units like the 101st Airborne, this training is not only vital to mission success but to the safety of our soldiers. This vital program provides aviation training resources for individual crewmembers and units according to approved training strategies. In addition, it also provides individual and collective proficiency in support of ongoing combat and non-combat air operations. Wewill continue to monitor this issue closely as these gains to flying hours programs will be lost if sequester returns in 2016.

“One of our most important responsibilities as Members of Congress is to ensure that our men and women in uniform have the resources, training, and funds necessary to keep Americans safe. No one recognizes that more than House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon who is leaving us at the end of this Congress. We are grateful for Chairman McKeon’s leadership and all the great work he has done in support of our military families and veterans. He will be missed and I wish him all the best as he moves on to his next adventure in life.”
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