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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

Contact: Press Office (202) 226-9440
A Better Approach to K-12 Education
Student Success Act Reduces Federal Footprint in the Classroom

Decades of growing federal intrusion in America’s elementary and secondary schools has failed to significantly improve student achievement. Nearly half of our elementary school children are below grade level in reading and math, and far too many high school students graduate without the skills they need to succeed.

It’s time for a better approach. The House Committee on Education and the Workforce is advancing legislation to revamp our K-12 education system and promote flexibility and innovation in school districts nationwide. The Student Success Act (H.R. 5) will get Washington out of the way and put more control in the hands of the teachers, principals, and state and local education leaders who know our children best.

Take a look at what they’re saying about this responsible proposal:

Education Secretary Arne Duncan and his successors would be relegated to cheerleaders for the nation’s schools, and governors would be put in charge of classrooms under companion bills Senate and House Republicans introduced Thursday…The chairman of the House Education Committee said Washington was a poor arbiter of what works — and what does not — in schools. “We’re not leaving the secretary in the position of judging that system,” said Rep. John Kline, R-Minn. – Associated Press, “Republicans want to cut education secretary’s power, give governors more say in schools

The Student Success Acteliminates many of the most onerous parts of NCLB, such as the “adequate yearly progress” metric. It also would allow states to craft their own accountability systems and set their own standards for student achievement. The measure would eliminate any federally mandated intervention for poor-performing schools, leaving such action to the states. – Washington Times, “Parties offer competing plans to overhaul ‘No Child’ education law

Kline's legislation would eviscerate the Obama administration's state waiver program…"We're trying to get at replacing the broken law, the failed system," said Kline, chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee. "The federal government has gotten too involved into states and [local] school district's business." – Minneapolis Star Tribune, “Kline introduces bill to overhaul No Child Left Behind Act

Where NCLB increased the federal footprint in America's schools, Kline's bill reduces it dramatically. Under the legislation, schools would not have to meet federally prescribed performance goals -- a proposal markedly different from current law, the Obama administration's waiver system and a competing bill offered up by Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa). Kline's bill also consolidates a slew of programs…[and] explicitly restricts the education secretary's waiver authority. – Huffington Post, “No Child Left Behind Act at center of House hearing, sparring philosophies

To learn more about the Student Success Act, click here.

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