WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Ander Crenshaw, Chairman of the House Financial Services Appropriations Subcommittee, issued the following statement regarding the President’s plans to grant executive amnesty to millions of unlawful immigrants:

“Someone is not listening, and he lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. On November 4, I heard voters in Florida and across the nation say that they’re opposed to amnesty. They are the same voters who took their thinking to the ballot box, increasing Republican margins in the House and turning the United States Senate leadership over to the GOP because they are tired of the president circumventing the will of the people.

“I continue to stand alongside these Americans - 100 percent against amnesty. But, our President does not. The very man who said 22 times that he could not ignore or create his own immigration laws wants to do exactly that by working around Congress. It’s astounding, but unfortunately, it’s not surprising.

“For President Obama, it’s a ‘my way or the highway’ approach. But to me, it’s unconstitutional, and I expect and support a challenge to it in Congress and the courts.

“No one can doubt that this country has to address the crisis of illegal immigration. It places tremendous financial and social burden on our society. Moreover, the surge at our border is proof that it is not secure, and, in my book, securing our borders is the number one priority.

“President Obama should work together with Congress to make this happen, not against it by putting millions of illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship with the stroke of a pen.”
