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Posted by Randy | September 22, 2014

After learning that the Obama Administration planned to lift a longstanding prohibition on Libyans coming to the U.S. to attend flight school, work in aviation maintenance or flight operations, or study or seek training in nuclear science, the House Judiciary Committee took action in an effort to prevent this dangerous move.

I’m pleased to tell you that the Administration announced it has reversed course and will keep the ban in place.

I will continue working with my colleagues to ensure that we are putting forward policies that are in the best interest of the American people and the national security of this nation.

Posted by Randy | September 22, 2014

I wanted to share an article with you from the Washington Times following testimony from the Inspector General for the Department of Justice (DOJ), stating that the Department is failing to provide documents and information necessary for him to conduct independent investigations.

In August, nearly 50 Inspectors General, including the DOJ Inspector General, sent a letter to Congress regarding what they termed, “serious limitations on access to records,” which left unchecked, “risks leaving the agencies insulated from scrutiny and unacceptably vulnerable to mismanagement and misconduct – the very problems that our offices were established to review and that the American people expect us to be able to address.”

I will continue working with my colleagues on the Judiciary Committee to ensure that our government agencies are operating in an open and transparent manner, and that critical investigations are not hindered by unnecessary and unwarranted bureaucratic hurdles.

Posted by Randy | September 01, 2014
Our law enforcement officers and first responders put duty before self, working on the front lines to protect our homes, our communities, our children and our lives.

For that, I am grateful.  I have supported the National Blue Alert Act, H.R.180, to establish a Blue Alert system throughout the United States to help speed the apprehension of violent criminals who kill or seriously injure law enforcement officers.  I have also supported the Eric Williams Correctional Officer Protection Act, H.R.4607, to authorize the Bureau of Prisons to issue pepper spray to any officer employed in a prison that is not minimum or low security to respond to emergency situations.

As a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations, I will continue working to increase public safety and ensure proper protection for our law enforcement officers and first responders.

I have also been vigilant in working to combat the serious threat that gangs, human traffickers, and those seeking to exploit children over the internet pose to our local communities and to the nation. Read more about my work here
Posted by Randy | July 11, 2014

Friend – Wanted to share this article with you written by Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Congressman Bob Goodlatte from Virginia. Chairman Goodlatte recently led a bi-partisan trip to the U.S.-Mexico border to witness firsthand what is happening with the surge of children, teenagers, and families attempting to enter the U.S. illegally.  In the editorial below, Mr. Goodlatte lays out the many tools the President has at his disposal to quell the activity at the border and put an end to this crisis in leadership, crisis in national security, and crisis in common sense.

The answers to our problems are not to throw money at it. Billions of taxpayer dollars in additional resources are no substitute for actually enforcing America’s immigration laws and securing our border.

Exclusive – Goodlatte: How Obama Can Stop the Border Crisis

By: Bob Goodlatte
July 10, 2014

There is a surge of unaccompanied children, teenagers, and families from Central America—largely from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador—that are arriving in unprecedented numbers in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.

They are making a dangerous journey through Mexico and then walking miles across a hostile border environment, assisted by smugglers, and coming to the United States in violation of the law.

This crisis at the border is a disaster of President Obama's own making. The Obama Administration's lax immigration enforcement has given confidence to parents who are in the U.S. illegally that they can stay and now they are finding ways to bring their children, who are still in Central America, to the United States unlawfully.

President Obama's policies have caused the crisis at our southern border and he has tools at his disposal to fix it. Here are several steps the President can take now to stop the surge at the border:

Send the strong, public message that those who enter illegally will be returned. President Obama needs to use his bully-pulpit to send the clear message that those who are seeking to enter the U.S. illegally will be returned to their home countries and that subjecting children to the perilous trek northward to our southern border will no longer be tolerated. Unfortunately, most of the money requested in the President's emergency supplemental seems geared toward processing Central Americans rather than stopping the surge itself. With Obama's current policies, this just means that more illegal border crossers will be eligible to stay in the U.S.

Stop abusing his prosecutorial discretion authority. Over the past five years, President Obama and administration officials have abused "prosecutorial discretion," a tool meant to give the Executive Branch flexibility in individual cases. Instead he has stretched this authority beyond all recognition in order to shield entire categories of deportable aliens from facing the law. This sends the message to the world that if you get into the U.S. illegally, you will not be deported.

Stop releasing convicted criminal aliens from detention. In Fiscal Year 2013, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released over 36,000 criminal aliens from detention who were in removal proceedings or had been ordered removed, in the large majority of cases purely as an act of discretion not compelled by any federal court or immigration judge. These 36,000 criminal aliens had nearly 88,000 convictions, including 193 homicide convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, 426 sexual assault convictions, 9,187 dangerous drug convictions, and 16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions. This sends the message that not even aliens with criminal convictions will be detained.

Crack down on fraudulent asylum claims. The House Judiciary Committee obtained an internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report which shows that at least 70% of asylum cases contain proven or possible fraud. The Administration has refused to take steps to stop asylum fraud, which has encouraged more aliens to come to the U.S. and make false claims. Yet the Obama Administration continues to set records for approving claims. In fact, in 2013 under the Obama Administration immigration judges granted 74% of all affirmative asylum claims.

Implement tougher standards for "credible fear" claims. In order to thwart "expedited removal" proceedings, family units caught along the border or at ports of entry often claim a "credible fear" of persecution in their home countries and seek a hearing before an immigration judge (usually years later). While awaiting the hearing, they are released into the U.S. and receive work authorization while their case is pending. The Obama Administration is granting approximately 92% of all "credible fear" cases decided on the merits in Fiscal Year 2013. In fact, credible fear claims have increased 586% from 2007 to 2013 as word has spread about the rubberstamping of applications. The Obama Administration has not effectively curbed "credible fear" abuse, which has dramatically encouraged more illegal border crossings.

Detain asylum seekers until their claims are proved valid. One way to deter fraudulent asylum claims is to detain asylum seekers apprehended at the border while the government determines whether their case is legitimate, rather than releasing them into the U.S. Most non-detained asylum seekers who lose their cases and are ordered back to their home country simply disappear into our communities. This must stop.

Restore agreements with local law enforcement agencies to enforce immigration laws. About 5,000 ICE agents have the duty of enforcing our nation's immigration laws. These agents have to deal with at least 11 million unlawful immigrants in the United States and many thousands of aliens who have committed deportable crimes. We need help. Currently, there are over 730,000 state and local law enforcement officers in the United States. Under current law, DHS is allowed to enter into agreements with states and localities - commonly referred to as the 287(g) program - under which state and local law enforcement officers who have been trained by DHS can assist in the investigation, apprehension and detention of removable aliens. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration effectively killed this commonsense program. The Administration should reverse this foolish decision and allow state and local law enforcement officers to help with enforcing our immigration laws. This would send the message that the United States is serious about enforcing our immigration laws.

Employ diplomatic resources to stop the border crisis. President Obama should exhaust all diplomatic resources to end this crisis. He needs to work with the Mexican government to help secure its southern border with Guatemala and he also needs to work with the governments of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador to help them dissuade their citizens from making the dangerous journey to the U.S.

Give Border Patrol agents access to federal lands. Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley sector cite restrictions that bar access to federal lands as a significant stumbling block to securing the border. The Departments of Interior and Agriculture currently have rules that prevent Border Patrol agents from accessing federal lands near the border under the guise of environmental preservation. As a result, federal lands along the border provide drug traffickers, human smugglers, and unlawful immigrants effective routes and hiding places where Border Patrol agents cannot reach them. President Obama should reverse this foolish policy.

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) is Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.


Posted by Randy | June 26, 2014
In May of this year, Lois Lerner, the former Director of the Internal Revenue Service's tax-exempt division, was held in contempt of Congress for her refusal to testify regarding her role in an IRS scandal where government officials targeted politically active conservative groups for increased scrutiny on applications for tax-exempt status.

As a part of ongoing Congressional probes, a formal request for Lerner's email records was made.  However, the IRS - responding to these requests - claimed a crash of Lerner's computer hard drive and the recycling of backup tapes as reasons for their inability to provide the records to Congress.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen recently testified that he learned about a problem with Lerner’s computer in February and about the missing emails in April; however, the IRS did not notify Congress of the problem until June.

In response, Congressman Forbes called not only for an independent special counsel to lead the investigation, but also for independent computer forensics investigators to recover this critical information. 

Question of the week:  Do you believe an independent special counsel should be appointed to lead the IRS investigation?

( ) Yes.
( ) No.
( ) I don’t know. 
( ) Other.

Take the Poll here.

Find the results of last week’s InstaPoll here.
Posted by Randy | April 25, 2014
Earlier this month, the House held a hearing to review the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) budget for Fiscal Year 2015.

Attorney General Eric Holder testified that DOJ’s budget includes funding to support development of innovative gun safety technology.  An example would be to require the use of a physical item, such as a bracelet or watch, to allow for operation of a gun. 

Question of the week:  Do you believe that such technology will improve gun safety? 

( ) Yes. 
( ) No.
( ) I don’t know.
( ) Other.

Take the Poll here.

Find the results of last week’s InstaPoll here.
Posted by Randy | April 18, 2014
During his first term, President Obama only granted one commutation of a sentence.  Last year, he granted clemency to twenty-one individuals – eight commutations (reduction of a sentence) and thirteen pardons (forgiveness of a crime).  All of the commutations and six of the pardons were granted to individuals who had been convicted of drug crimes.

Earlier this year, the Justice Department began soliciting petitions for commutations and pardons – both forms of the President’s clemency power – particularly for drug offenses. 

Question of the week:   Do you believe that the Justice Department should be actively soliciting petitions for commutations and pardons in drug cases?

( ) Yes. 
( ) No.
( ) I don’t know 
( ) Other.

Take the Poll here.

Find the results of last week’s InstaPoll here.
Posted by Randy | April 03, 2014
Since 1998, the Department of Commerce has exercised control over the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a private, non-profit organization that manages basic functions of the Internet. 

Earlier this month, however, the administration announced its intent to relinquish control of ICANN to the global Internet community. 

In 2012, the House and Senate unanimously passed resolutions expressing the sense of Congress that the administration should maintain the United States’ support of a global Internet free from government control, and work to preserve and advance the multi-stakeholder model that governs the Internet today.

Question of the week:   Do you support transitioning authority of the Internet to a global community?

( ) Yes. 
( ) No.
( ) I don’t know. 
( ) Other.

Take the Poll here.

Find the results of last week’s InstaPoll here.
Posted by Randy | March 03, 2014

According to the United Sates Constitution (Article II Section 3), the executive branch, headed by the president, has a duty to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”

Currently, when the Department of Justice stops enforcing a law on the grounds that it is unconstitutional, the Attorney General is required to report to Congress. The Faithful Execution of the Law Act, H.R. 3973, which I cosponsored, strengthens this provision by requiring all federal officials (not just the Attorney General) who stop enforcing a law to report to Congress the exact reason for this non-enforcement, regardless of whether it is being done on constitutional or policy grounds.

Whether or not they fit with his agenda, the President of the United States has a duty to enforce our nation’s laws. It’s not optional. It’s Constitutional.

Read more about my work to provide oversight, prevent abuse, and rein in our bloated federal government.
Posted by Randy | June 21, 2013
Recent news coverage has centered on the story of Edward Snowden, a contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), who recently revealed information regarding a classified program known as PRISM, in which the NSA tapped into the servers of nine leading Internet companies.

Under current law, the NSA has the authority to obtain data from electronic service providers on their customers who reside outside the United States – including e-mail, chat, photos, videos, stored data, and file transfers. To the extent the program captures information pertaining to U.S. citizens, such interception can only be incidental. On June 18th, 2013, NSA Director Keith Alexander testified that the PRISM program helped avert more than 50 “potential terrorist events.”  

The Fourth Amendment provides that, “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.”  While law enforcement and the intelligence community should have all the resources necessary to combat terrorism, they also must act within the bounds of the Constitution.

Question of the week:  In a post-9/11 world, do you believe that the PRISM program strikes the proper balance between securing our communities and safeguarding liberty?

(  ) Yes.
(  ) No.
(  ) I don’t know.
(  ) Other (leave your comments below).
Take the instaPoll here.

Find the results of last week’s instaPoll here.