Strengthening our Local Public Schools

The most effective way of securing our nation’s future prosperity is by investing in our children’s education.   Bill has worked with determination to provide public schools with the necessary resources to maintain high levels of educational excellence and prepare our children for the emerging technologies of the 21st century.

Additionally, as a member of the Massachusetts state legislature, he sponsored the law that created drug-free school zones and enforced the requirement of sprinklers in school facilities.

With the tragic, yet preventable rise of nation-wide suicides among young adults as a result of bullying by their peers, Bill, as District Attorney of Norfolk County, initiated an anti-bullying prevention program.   It is critical that these lessons of self-worth
and peer respect are continued in the classroom. 

As a member of Congress, has continued the anti-bullying agenda and helped introduce H.R. 992, the Student Non-Discrimination Act of 2011, a bill that would prohibit public school students from being discriminated against because of their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. 

Improving College Affordability

As costs rise, it is harder for working families to afford college tuition, textbooks and housing. Access to Pell grants and other forms of federal financial aid are often the deciding factor in a student’s ability to further their education.  Bill supports full funding of Pell grants as well as efforts to work with our local community colleges and four-year institutions to assist students in getting the resources that can help them transition to the job market.









 Bill reads to students at Ezra Baker Elementary School.









   Bill speaks to students at Broad Meadows Middle School.

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