U.S. Congressman Pat Tiberi | Representing the 12th District of Ohio

  • America Speaking Out

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  • Debt Limit

    Congressman Tiberi believes that any discussion about raising the limit should be paired with significant spending cuts and entitlement reform. He believes that the government has to change it's ways by cutting spending and shrinking the debt. Contin...

  • Education Reform

    Every Child Deserves the Best Possible Public Education U.S. Congressman Pat Tiberi has demonstrated his commitment to quality education. During the 109th Congress he served as the Chair the Education and Workforce Subcommittee on Select Education wh...

  • Gas Prices

    While you’re paying more and more money to fill up the gas tank, it may seem we’re playing the “blame game,” in Washington. But, the truth is the rising price of gas is not a Republican issue it’s not a Democrat issue, it is an American issue becaus...

  • Government Reform

    When Congressman Pat Tiberi first campaigned for Congress he wanted to make government more accountable to citizens and it’s something he’s been working for ever since. Congressman Tiberi is a commonsense leader who believes government should be stre...

  • Health Care

    Congressman Tiberi believes the Democrats' trillion-dollar government takeover of health care should be repealed and replaced with common-sense measures to lower the cost and expand access to those who are uninsured or under-insured. Congressman Tibe...

  • Jobs

    During this time of economic uncertainty, I am working in Congress to make our futures a little brighter. While I know it isn’t a permanent solution, I have supported multiple temporary extensions of unemployment compensation to help families pay the...

  • Medicare

    Our nation’s seniors deserve the best and most comprehensive care possible. Congress has taken steps in recent years to reform and improve Medicare and create a benefit structure that responds more effectively to the health care needs and issues faci...

  • National Defense

  • Older Americans

    Congressman Pat Tiberi, then-Chairman of the Select Education Subcommittee wrote the bill that reauthorized the Older Americans Act through fiscal year 2011. The measure provides the majority of the funding for social services and nutritional program...

  • Passports

    With new passport requirements implemented in January 2007, a passport application backlog, and changing rules regarding what documents you need to return to the United States after visiting another country, Congressman Tiberi wants to help make you...

  • Responsible Government Spending

    Congressman Tiberi believes we must rein in runaway spending, reduce our debt, and fundamentally change our tax code to put our nation on a more secure fiscal path. Congressman Tiberi issued the following statement late Wednesday, October 17, 2013 af...

  • Retirement Security

  • Tax Relief

  • Trade

    As a member of the Ways and Means Committee, the committee that has jurisdiction over trade issues in Congress, Congressman Tiberi understands how important trade is to Ohio's economy, creating jobs and opening markets to goods made in Ohio. Click on...

  • Transportation

  • U.S. Economy

  • Veterans' Affairs

    Investing in National Security, Looking Out For Veterans Pat Tiberi recognizes the contributions of Central Ohio’s veterans and works to ensure they receive the services and benefits they deserve. He continues to fight for Ohio’s men and women curren...