High-Risk Series:

An Overview

HR-97-1: Published: Feb 1, 1997. Publicly Released: Feb 1, 1997.

Additional Materials:


Lisa G. Jacobson
(202) 512-9542


Office of Public Affairs
(202) 512-4800

GAO provided an overview of progress agencies have made to improve serious and widespread weaknesses that have been the focus of GAO's high-risk program for several years.

GAO found that: (1) overall, agencies are taking high-risk problems seriously, trying to correct them, and making progress in many areas; (2) Congress has also acted to address problems affecting these high-risk areas through oversight hearings and specific legislative initiatives, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 to protect Medicare from exploitation and Title VI of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 to reduce the financial risk associated with farm lending programs; (3) landmark legislation in the 1990s also established broad management reforms, which, if implemented successfully, will help resolve high-risk problems and provide greater accountability in many government programs and operations, including financial management, information technology, acquisition of goods and services, and debt collection; (4) the administration has embraced these management reforms and has made implementation of them a priority; (5) full and effective implementation of legislative mandates, GAO's suggestions, and corrective measures by agencies, however, has not yet been achieved because the high-risk areas involve long-standing problems that are difficult to correct; (6) as a result, while agencies are making progress, these problems must be more fully resolved before GAO can remove their high-risk designation; and (7) to ensure that this occurs, sustained management attention and congressional oversight are necessary.

Below are the reports in this series:

High-Risk Series: An Overview HR-97-1, Feb 1, 1997

High-Risk Series: Quick Reference Guide HR-97-2, Feb 1, 1997

High-Risk Series: Defense Financial Management HR-97-3, Feb 1, 1997

High-Risk Series: Defense Contract Management HR-97-4, Feb 1, 1997

High-Risk Series: Defense Inventory Management HR-97-5, Feb 1, 1997

High-Risk Series: Defense Weapon Systems Acquisition HR-97-6, Feb 1, 1997

High-Risk Series: Defense Infrastructure HR-97-7, Feb 1, 1997

High-Risk Series: IRS Management HR-97-8, Feb 1, 1997

High-Risk Series: Information Management and Technology HR-97-9, Feb 1, 1997

High-Risk Series: Medicare HR-97-10, Feb 1, 1997

High-Risk Series: Student Financial Aid HR-97-11, Feb 1, 1997

High-Risk Series: Department of Housing and Urban Development HR-97-12, Feb 1, 1997

High-Risk Series: Department of Energy Contract Management HR-97-13, Feb 1, 1997

High-Risk Series: Superfund Program Management HR-97-14, Feb 1, 1997

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