In The News

Jul 24, 2013 | Huffington Post Latino Voices

Republican Hypocrisy on Kids Act

Issues: Local Issues

With all the heated rhetoric surrounding immigration reform, it's fair to ask if some in Washington fully understand the many contributions undocumented immigrants make to our country.

Jun 27, 2013 |

Obama Kicks Off an Economic Safari in Africa

Issues: Foreign Policy

Unlike his immediate predecessors, President Obama's primary focus this week will not be human rights violations, AIDS or aid. This president will be taking care of business. During a weeklong visit to Africa, Obama will focus on trade and investment.

Jun 27, 2013 | Our Weekly

Some glad, others sad about Supreme Court decisions

The state Supreme Court decided that Prop. 8 supporters had legal standing, so the 9th Circuit moved ahead with its consideration of the case, hearing more arguments on a motion by Prop. 8 backers asking that Walker’s ruling be thrown out because the judge was in a long-term same-sex relationship that he had not disclosed.

Jun 27, 2013 | Los Angeles Wave

A supreme falling out

Two actions taken by the court this week signal a great falling out between them and us.

Jun 27, 2013 | Los Angeles Sentinel

High Court Deals Voters Rights Act Severe Blow

The landmark legislation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 has been dealt a severe blow by the nation’s highest court forty-eight years after it was enacted, sparking outrage from the President to Black elected officials on Capitol Hill.

Jun 24, 2013 | Roll Call

Boldin Warns Congress, POTUS About Abuses in Africa

Issues: Foreign Policy

Oxfam is hoping to stem future human rights abuses by requiring greater disclosure by Securities and Exchange Commission-registered companies about payments made to developing nations. They’re also working with Rep. Karen Bass, who has already begun circulating a “Dear Colleague” letter calling for the adoption of a uniform regional mining code.

Jun 23, 2013 | New York Times

Needed: A New Safety Valve

Congress’s new bipartisan task force on overcriminalization in the justice system held its first hearing earlier this month. It was a timely meeting: national crime rates are at historic lows, yet the federal prison system is operating at close to 40 percent over capacity.

Jun 4, 2013 | Los Angeles Wave

Karen Bass hits out at local sequestration cuts

Issues: Local Issues

Californian lawmaker Karen Bass (D-Los Angeles) lashed out at Republicans Monday after the austerity budgets cuts known as the sequestration impacted local civilian personnel.

May 30, 2013 | Los Angeles Sentinel

Foster Youth Shadow Congress for a Day

Issues: Local Issues

Congresswoman Karen Bass, Founder and Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth hosted 50 foster youth from Los Angeles and around the nation for the 2nd Annual “Shadow Day” in Washington.

May 30, 2013

June forum to take on the issue of juvenile justice

All credible research shows that evidenced-based prevention programs for at-risk youth will greatly reduce crime and save much more than they cost, And, most importantly, these programs save lives.
