Content related to Other Issues
Jul 11, 2014
Press Release
Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman issued the following statement today on the escalating crisis in Israel:
Jun 16, 2014
Press Release
Today Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman released the following statement on the abduction last week of three Israeli teenagers:
Apr 29, 2014
Press Release
Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman today announced the departure of his long-time energy and environment staff director, Greg Dotson, and the promotion of Jeff Baran and Alexandra Teitz to senior leadership positions on the Democratic staff of the Energy and Commerce Committee.
Feb 24, 2014
Press Release
Today Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman released the following statement on the announcement by Rep. John Dingell on his retirement from Congress:
Jan 30, 2014
Press Release
Congressman Henry A. Waxman, a senior Democrat from California, who has played a leading role in the enactment of major health, consumer protection, environmental, telecommunications, and good government laws, released the following statement announcing his decision not to seek reelection to the House this fall:
Oct 1, 2013
Press Release
Today Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman released the following statement on the first day of the federal government shutdown:
Jun 5, 2013
Press Release
With Congress gridlocked on a host of issues, President Obama has pledged to take action in its stead, particularly on issues related to energy and the environment. Unfortunately, according to a letter sent last night by a group of Senate and House Democrats, critical actions to protect public health, workers safety, the environment, and save money are being delayed.
Feb 6, 2013
Press Release
The Committee is currently meeting to discuss the draft oversight plan for the 113th Congress. Democrats are offering a series of amendments to the oversight plan to direct the Committee to hear from experts about the science of climate change, the risks it poses for the nation, and the shrinking window for action. The purpose of these amendments is to force the Committee to...
Feb 6, 2013
Press Release
Today, the Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee offered three amendments to direct the Committee to hear from experts about the science of climate change, the risks it poses for the nation, and the shrinking window for action. Two of the three amendments were debated and voted upon. The purpose of these amendments was to force the Committee to vote on whether it will...
Feb 5, 2013
The Committee on Energy and Commerce held a business meeting to markup the oversight plan of the Committee on Tuesday, February 5, 2013, at 4:00 p.m. in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building. The Committee reconvened on Wednesday, February 6, 2013, at 9:30 a.m. in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building.
The Committee reconvened for further consideration of amendments on Tuesday, February 12, 2013, at 4:...