Burgess' MD CARE Act Signed Into Law
Posted by Jill Shatzen on September 26, 2014 | comments
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Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) today announced that his legislation to improve care for patients with muscular dystrophy has been signed into public law.

H.R. 594, the Paul D. Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Community Assistance, Research and Education Amendments of 2014, also known as the MD CARE Act, was enacted in 2001 and reauthorized in 2008. Burgess and other members of the House and Senate added amendments to further update and improve upon what was already successful legislation. 

“This is a true success story,” Burgess said. “In patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy alone, the MD CARE Act has increased the lifespan of patients by about 10 years on average. It has dramatically improved and standardized clinical care, which helps drive better patient outcomes.” 

The MD CARE Act is responsible for enhancing research efforts to focus on cardiac, pulmonary and other systems of importance to muscular dystrophy patients. It updates existing care standards and fills gaps to focus on how to properly care for muscular dystrophy patients and intensifies existing tracking of various forms of muscular dystrophy. Finally, it ensures this data informs the research agenda.

“It was always my goal as a physician to help save lives and alleviate pain and suffering, and I wanted to continue to do that in my capacity as a member of Congress,”
Burgess continued. “Seeing this important legislation become law, knowing it will significantly improve lives, is a victory for health care professionals, medical researchers and muscular dystrophy patients everywhere.”

For more information, click here

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