Tax Relief & Reform

Mica on Tax Relief and Reform

I believe our current system of taxation has grown into a confusing, unfair and burdensome system.  That does not even take into consideration the mounting cost to run a huge IRS bureaucracy or the cost of an army of CPAs and accountants to prepare the mountains of forms required by current tax law.  I believe that there must be a better way.

As a long-time supporter and cosponsor of H.R. 25, the Fair Tax bill, I have continuously requested its consideration by the Ways and Means Committee.  The time for Congress to act on the important issue of tax reform is sooner rather than later.

I believe we can develop a smooth transition to a new tax system.  I am confident that once implemented, the Fair Tax plan will be simpler for taxpayers and easier to understand, and eliminating the IRS will greatly reduce paperwork, bureaucracy and the drain on our economy.  Recent events involving the IRS are troublesome and further detail why an overhaul is necessary.  I have testified previously before the House Ways and Means Committee to express my support for the Fair Tax Proposal and currently  serve as the Senior Member of the House Investigative Committee looking into the IRS scandal.

We need to redouble our efforts to ensure that a full and open debate relating to tax reform takes place.

Cutting Personal Income Taxes

I have also always been a strong supporter of reducing the annual tax burden on America's families.  Allowing individuals to keep more of their hard earned money promotes economic growth and is better invested in the economy than in Washington.  I have supported many proposals to cut taxes on capital gains, dividends, personal income, corporations, family estates as well supported the child tax credit and marriage penalty elimination.

I believe our current system of taxation has grown into a confusing, unfair and burdensome system.  That does not even take into consideration the mounting cost to run a huge IRS bureaucracy or the cost of an army of CPAs and accountants to prepare the mountains of forms required by current tax law.  I believe that there must be a better way.

I have supported and cosponsored H.R. 25 the Fair Tax Bill in the 109th Congress, in the 110th Congress, in the 111th Congress, in the 112th Congress and this current Congress.  The time for Congress to act on the important issue of tax reform is sooner rather than later.

I believe we can develop a smooth transition to a new tax system.  I am confident that once implemented, the Fair Tax plan will be simpler for taxpayers and easier to understand, and eliminating the IRS will greatly reduce paperwork, bureaucracy and the drain on our economy.  Recent events involving the IRS are troublesome and further detail why an overhaul is necessary.  I have testified previously before the House Ways and Means Committee to express my support for the Fair Tax Proposal and currently  serve as the Senior Member of the House Investigative Committee looking into the IRS scandal.

We need to redouble our efforts to ensure that a full and open debate relating to tax reform takes place.

Since coming to Congress I have been a strong supporter of reducing the annual tax burden on America's families.  Allowing individuals to keep more of their hard earned money promotes economic growth and is better invested in the economy than in Washington.  I have supported many proposals to cut taxes on capital gains, dividends, personal income, corporations, family estates as well supported the child tax credit and marriage penalty elimination.