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The Party of Solutions: The Case for a Senate that Works

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Sen. John Thune • September 25, 2014


Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers is the chairwoman of the House Republican Conference, and Senator John Thune is the chairman of the Senate Republican Conference. Today they published  an op-ed on on the importance of a new Senate majority.

In homes all across America, working parents struggle to pay their bills at the end of the month. College graduates move back in with their parents because student loan debts are so high. Young families juggle two jobs just to afford their rising health care premiums.

These are the problems Americans face every single day, in every state across the country. As the heads of the Republican communications offices in the House and the Senate, it’s our job to listen to these problems and share Republican solutions.

Our party has heard Americans’ concerns, and that’s why we’ve put forward hundreds of bills to help grow the economy, create jobs, expand opportunity and give American families hope for tomorrow. Our conversations with people back home, from the supermarket to the church pews to the doctor’s office, have helped us develop legislative solutions that will make life better for Americans in every corner of this country.

The House Republican majority has passed one jobs bill after another — bills like the Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act, which eliminates costly regulations for small and medium-size businesses, and which passed the House with the support of 36 Democrats.

The House passed the America’s Small Business Tax Relief Act, which gives small businesses more certainty by making permanent the maximum expensing allowance at $500,000, and the measure passed with the support of 53 Democrats. And House Republicans advanced the bipartisan Hire More Heroes Act, which would help America’s veterans get back to work by excluding them from Obamacare’s employer mandate threshold and therefore incentivizing businesses to hire them, and that legislation passed the House with almost unanimous Democratic support.

And those are just the beginning.

For the full op-ed, click here.

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