Congresswoman Grace Meng

Representing the 6th District of New York
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Small Business Issues

Small Businesses are the key to Queens’ economic growth and development.  As a member of the Small Business Committee, and Ranking Member of the Contracting and Workforce Subcommittee, I recognize the importance of supporting small businesses, and ensuring that they have adequate resources for success.
Over the past 15 years, small businesses have generated 64 percent of new jobs nationwide. Throughout the country, they represent 99.5 percent of all employer firms, hire 40 percent of high tech workers, and produce 13 times more patents per employee than large patenting firms.  Small businesses are essential for our local economy—they employ over 700,000 of our neighbors in Queens, and strengthen the social bonds within our community.
Despite the importance of small businesses, they still face many challenges, including navigating the complexity of applying for government contracts, taking advantage of tax incentives, or their inability to access government resources for access to capital. 
In March 2014, as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee, I hosted a Congressional hearing at Queens College that examined the ways that underserved small businesses can better access federal programs.  Similarly, I support, and have voted for legislation, that increases small-business goals for government contracts, which would increase federal dollars flowing to small businesses. 
I am committed to seeing our small business community thrive through my work in Washington, D.C. and at home in Queens. My district offices are available to answer questions and assist small-business owners build a strong local economy.

More on Small Business Issues

Nov 13, 2014 In The News

With more small businesses than big box stores on Bell Boulevard, the commercial strip was the perfect destination for the head of the federal Small Business Administration (SBA) when she made the trip to New York last week.

“I’m so excited to be here in Bayside,” said Maria Contreras-Sweet, administrator of SBA. “Unlike many other places, Bell Boulevard has such a high concentration of small businesses and I want to keep this area thriving.”