Tag Archives: EWIS

School Bullying and Legal Protections for Vulnerable Groups

Millions of American children and teens have been physically, verbally, relationally, or electronically bullied by their peers. Bullying can have harmful psychological, academic, and behavioral outcomes for victims. Because October is National Bullying Prevention Month, we wanted to highlight our … Continue reading

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Considering College Costs Beyond Tuition

If you’re heading to college this fall, you may be focused on the major costs—tuition and fees, possibly room and board. We have examined some of the other costs of college, such as textbooks and college debit cards, that can … Continue reading

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Providing a Stable Education for Foster and Homeless Children

School should be a stable environment for all students. In two recent reports, we looked at how states addressed federal legislation intended, in part, to increase school stability for children in foster care and those experiencing homelessness. We also highlighted … Continue reading

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Podcast on Education of Homeless Students

In the 2011 to 2012 school year, there were more than 1 million homeless students in the United States. The Department of Education established a grant program to help homeless students gain access to public education. Hear our podcast with Kay … Continue reading

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AskGAOLive: Retirement Security

With a multitude of savings options available, from IRAs to managed 401(k) accounts, ensuring you will have the money you need for your retirement can be a complex task. Join us for a live web chat on retirement security trends … Continue reading

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GAO Reports That Help Protect Vulnerable Elders

News stories about older adults whose trusted family members or other caretakers deny them food and water, leave them to live under deplorable conditions, or physically and psychologically abuse them are all too common.  Neglect and abuse can often go … Continue reading

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Chemical Safety One Year After Explosion in West, TX

Last year, a fire set off a tragic explosion at a fertilizer storage and distribution facility in West, Texas. The explosion killed and injured many people and severely damaged nearby houses and other buildings, including schools. While the investigation that … Continue reading

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ASKGAOLive: Recruitment of Student Veterans

Veterans face many challenges as they consider and enroll in colleges and universities. Join us for a live chat about GAO’s work on student veterans’ issues this Wednesday, May 14, 2014, at 2:00 pm ET. You can send us your … Continue reading

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Retirees Need Options and Assistance to Make Money Last

As individuals are increasingly responsible for their financial security following retirement, the cost of limited financial literacy can be extremely high. Yet, recent survey data suggest that seniors have some of the lowest financial literacy rates. These surveys—which included questions … Continue reading

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Foreclosure Rescue Schemes and You

Evidence suggests that individuals who are less financially savvy are more likely to fall victim to financial scams, hold high cost mortgages, and engage in costly credit card behavior. As a result, the cost of limited financial literacy can be … Continue reading

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