Tag Archives: finance

GAO’s Financial Markets and Community Investment Team

GAO’s workforce is generally organized into 14 mission teams. Today we’ll be putting the spotlight on the Financial Markets and Community Investment (FMCI) team. FMCI supports Congress by helping ensure the effectiveness of regulatory oversight in financial and housing markets, … Continue reading

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Podcast on Expectations of Government Support for Large Bank Holding Companies

The perception among investors and credit agencies that a bank is “too big to fail” may affect how that bank’s holding company competes in financial markets. Hear our podcast with Lawrance Evans, Jr., a director in GAO’s Financial Markets and … Continue reading

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Tracking Progress on Financial Stability and Reform

In response to the worst financial crisis in more than 75 years, U.S. policymakers undertook wide-ranging reforms. For example, the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) aims, among other things:

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