Tag Archives: military

United States Partners with African Countries to Counter Terrorist Threats

From the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in East Africa, to recent al Qaeda and Boko Haram attacks in Northwest Africa, events have suggested that both regions are vulnerable to terrorism and violent extremism. The United States provides training and … Continue reading

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GAO’s Health Care Team

GAO’s workforce is organized largely by subject area, with most employees working in 1 of 14 mission teams. Today, we’ll be putting the spotlight on the Health Care team, which supports congressional oversight of federal agencies responsible for health care … Continue reading

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Podcast on Department of Defense “Quick Look”

Each year, we publish an annual report titled, “Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs,” more commonly referred to as the “Quick Look.”  In addition to providing brief summaries of numerous U.S. defense programs, the report provides insights on the Department of … Continue reading

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GAO’s Defense Capabilities and Management Team

GAO’s workforce is organized largely by subject area, with most employees working in 1 of 14 mission teams. Today we’ll be putting the spotlight on the Defense Capabilities and Management (DCM) team, which supports congressional oversight of the Department of … Continue reading

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