Reichert Statement on Nov. 19th Mountains to Sound Markup

Nov 18, 2014 Issues: Energy and Environment

Washington, D.C. – Tomorrow, the House Committee on Natural Resources will mark up U.S. Congressman Dave Reichert’s (WA-8) Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area Act (H.R. 1785). This is the first heritage designation markup in Congressman Doc Hasting’s (WA-4) four-year tenure as Chairman.

“This markup is an important step in the process to making the Mountains to Sound Greenway a nationally recognized Heritage area and my hope is that the committee will favorably report it,” said Reichert. “While the Greenway already offers immense beauty and recreation opportunities to its surrounding communities, this legislation would help boost the economies of the area, allowing businesses to take advantage of the tourism and recreation industries that flourish in our state. I thank Chairman Hastings for taking up this important legislation and I am proud to champion the effort to highlight this Washington State gem.”

To watch the committee mark up, a live feed will be available here at 10:00 am tomorrow.