Congressman Mark Pocan

Representing the 2nd District of Wisconsin
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Rep. Pocan Supports “The Day We Fight Back” Day of Activism Against NSA Surveillance

Feb 11, 2014
Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan (WI-02) released the following statement today in support of “The Day We Fight Back” day of activism against National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance:

“As a proud co-sponsor of the USA FREEDOM Act, which reins in the dragnet collection of data by the NSA, I believe we must create a culture that protects the privacy of American citizens and I stand in solidarity with those participating in “The Day We Fight Back” day of activism. There are civil liberty and privacy safeguards written into the Constitution through the Bill of Rights, and these rights should be given the utmost respect and protection. Any potential threat to our civil liberties – legal or illegal – is very serious and Congress must make a concerted effort to defend these rights through real and lasting change.”