Miner Safety and Health Act of 2010

2175 Rayburn House Office Buidling Washington, DC | Jul 21, 2010 2:15pm

Opening Statements

Bill Markups

H.R. 5663 - Miner Safety and Health Act of 2010 [ H.R. 5663: Miner Safety and Health Act of 2010 ]

Amendments: Amendment #1 to H.R. 5663 by Mr. Miller (CA) Passed by voice vote Amendment # 2 to H.R. 5663 by Mr. Kline (MN) Defeated 17 to 30 Roll Call #1 Amendment # 3 to H.R. 5663 by Ms. Shea-Porter (NH) Passed by voice vote Amendment # 4 to H.R. 5663 by Mrs. McMorris Rodgers (WA) Defeated 17 to 30 Roll Call #2 Amendment # 5 to H.R. 5663 by Ms. Woolsey (CA) Passed by voice vote Amendment # 6 to H.R. 5663 by Mr. Price (GA) Defeated 17 to 30 Roll Call #3 Amendment # 7 to H.R. 5663 by Mr. Hare (IL) Passed by voice vote Amendment # 8 to H.R. 5663 by Ms. Titus (NV) Passed by voice vote