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Rep. Becerra with summer interns in his Los Angeles office.


Internship opportunities are available to college students from throughout the country in Congressman Becerra's district office in Los Angeles, as well as his Capitol office in Washington, D.C. Although unpaid, interns walk away from their experience with a wealth of knowledge about how our nation's political system works.

Strong organizational skills and the ability to work as part of a team and under pressure are essential. Interns applying through a university/college sponsored program are preferred.

Summer internship positions require a full-time commitment, and are highly competitive.


How To Apply 

To apply, simply fill out this Congressional Internship Application form, attach your personal statement and resume and send it to the office where you are applying to intern.

Descriptions of internship duties in both offices are below:


Los Angeles (District Office)

Interns are given key roles in the following departments of Congressman Becerra’s district office:

  • Constituent Casework – helping constituents resolve problems with federal agencies such as Social Security, Veterans Affairs and Immigration.
  • Field – assist field deputies to address issues affecting residents of California’s 34th Congressional District and represent the congressman at various community events and meetings.
  • Legislative Research – research, analyze and provide briefs on the status and content of various House bills. Assist the district staff to produce talking points for the Congressman on numerous local and federal issues.
  • Constituent Outreach – assist in planning and executing “Coffee with your Congressman” town hall meetings and other events throughout Los Angeles.
  • Administrative – support the district office’s service to constituents by answering phones, fielding constituent inquiries, filing, mailing and sorting.

For additional information on internships in the district office, please contact Andres Robles at 213-481-1425. 


Washington, D.C. (Capitol Office)

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. 

Interns play an integral role in our congressional office and are offered an opportunity to learn important skills and will be exposed to an array of issues. This position's duties include:

  • Administrative – answer phones, sort mail, enter constituent information into Capitol Letters, and running errands.
  • Legislative – assist staff with researching and analyzing issues for the preparation of materials for hearings and amendments as well as speeches and/or talking points.
  • Communications – assist legislative and press staff in the drafting of constituent letters, Dear Colleagues, press releases, briefing memos, legislation, and floor statements for the Congressional Record.

For additional information on internships in the Washington, D.C. office, please call Johanna Montiel at 202-225-6235. 


More Congressional Internship Opportunities


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    Comments (optional)
    repName John Smith  
    helpWithFedAgencyAddress Haverhill District Office
    1234 S. Courthouse
    Haverhill, CA 35602
    district 21st District of California  
    academyUSCitizenDate July 1, 2012  
    academyAgeDate July 1, 2012  
    academyApplicationDueDate October 20, 2012  
    repStateABBR AZ  
    repDistrict 1  
    repState Arizona  
    repDistrictText 1st  
    SponsoredBills Sponsored Bills  
    CoSponsoredBills Co-Sponsored Bills  
  • Office Locations

      Location Image
    Washington DC Office Beth's Office
    2229 Rayburn House Office
    Washington, DC 20515
    Phone: (202) 333-4455
    Fax: (202) 333-5522
    District Office 1 Haverhill District Office
    Serving Haverhill County
    1234 East. Courthouse
    Haverhill, CA 35602
    Phone: (202) 333-4455
    Fax: (202) 333-5522
    District Office 2 South Office
    10 Welcome Street
    Tuesdays & Thursdays
    9:00 AM- 11:00 AM
    District Office 3    
    District Office 4