Congresswoman Grace Meng

Representing the 6th District of New York
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Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act Benefits You!
With the Affordable Care Act coming to fruition, I recognize that there will be many questions. In-Person Assistors, also known as IPAs or navigators, are available to assist individuals, families, small businesses and their employees understand all of your options and enroll in health insurance plans.
Here is a list of IPAs in Queens. The list includes contact information, schedule, location, and language spoken. To view the list click here.
The ACA ensures that everyone can afford quality health care. Enrollment begins on October 1, 2013.
Here are some quick facts:
 - The ACA CLOSES the Medicare doughnut hole.
 - MORE young adults will have affordable health care.
 - People with pre-existing conditions will NO LONGER be denied coverage.
 - Doctors will have MORE FLEXIBILITY and authority over their patients’ health care.
 - Women will have access to FREE services for breast cancer and cervical cancer screenings, as well as more maternity and newborn care.
 - There has been a 50% DROP in premiums through the health care exchanges.
To find out more about which tax credits you may qualify for and which plan works best for you, visit:
For more information on how the ACA will affect you, please refer to the information below.