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Congressman Steve Israel

Representing the 3rd District of NEW YORK

Full Biography

Congressman Steve Israel represents New York's 3rd Congressional District, encompassing northeast Queens, North Hempstead, Oyster Bay and Smithtown.  He is also the sixth ranking member of the House Democratic Leadership, serving as Chair of Policy & Communications.  While speaking to the House Democratic Caucus, former President Bill Clinton called Congressman Israel “one of the most thoughtful people in the House of Representatives;" and Newsday called him a "champion of the middle class."  Israel's parody of Washington, The Global War On Morris, will be published in January 2015 and his humor essays on Congress have been published in the New Yorker and Huffington Post.  

Energy Policy 
Israel is considered a leader on U.S. energy security, reducing our national dependence on foreign oil, lowering energy costs, and creating an innovative clean technology economy. His key energy accomplishments include funding the U.S.-Israel Energy Cooperation Act and the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy. Congressional Quarterly called Israel's comprehensive energy security proposals "an ambitious blueprint for energy issues."

Veterans and Military Families
A passionate and relentless advocate for veterans and military families, Israel has secured $7 million in overdue benefits for Long Islanders who served their country. He has visited U.S. troops in conflict areas on nine occasions, including visiting highly-remote fire bases in Afghanistan.

Consumer Protection
Israel is a resolute defender of consumers. During the 111th Congress, Israel launched an initiative to require full ingredient labeling on household cleaning projects; authored a bill that would take arsenic, a known carcinogen, out of our poultry supply; and he is working to implement mandatory rules for medicine cups, which due to frequent flaws lead to over- or under-dosing children.

The Middle East and Israel
Israel is a leader in the House in supporting U.S. assistance for the State of Israel and has been an active voice on behalf of U.S.-Israeli relations. In July of 2014, Rep. Israel’s bipartisan resolution supporting Israel’s right to defend itself was passed unanimously.  He called for the arrest of Iranian President Ahmadinejad on charges of incitement and genocide, led bi-partisan efforts to strengthen sanctions against Iran, and helped lead the funding of cutting-edge military equipment and technologies to maintain Israel's qualitative military edge. In March of 2012, he was appointed to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council, serving with seven other members of Congress. In August 2014, Rep. Israel was one of the first Members of Congress to visit Israel during Operation Protective Edge, as Israel battled Hamas.

New York Accomplishments
Among Israel's local accomplishments are securing record-level federal investments to protect the Long Island Sound; seeking to protect Long Island taxpayers by changing the federal tax code to reflect the local cost-of-living; and supporting local women's health initiatives – a priority in his role as Co-Chair of the House Cancer Caucus.

Middle Class

Israel is a staunch advocate for middle class families. The New York Times called him, "a Democrat who has long tried to focus attention on the plight of the middle class." He has repeatedly called for a revision of the tax code to reflect regional variations in cost-of-living and helped author the Tax Equity Act, legislation that would level the playing field for families living in high cost-of-living communities. He has long-sought a permanent fix to the Alternative Minimum Tax. In the 111th Congress, Congressman Israel voted to extend the payroll tax cut for working families, saving the average middle class family $1,500 in 2012. He also called for an extension of pre-tax commuter benefits in December 2011, a critical benefit for New York commuters.

More Information About Congressman Israel

Issues: What Rep. Israel is doing on the issues important to you.
News: Latest press releases and videos from Rep. Israel.
Legislative Center: Committee assignments, sponsored legislation, caucus memberships and more.

For an official photo of Rep. Israel, click here.