Full Committee Markup of H.R. 1938, North American-Made Energy Security Act, and the Semi-Annual Committee Activity Report (June 23, 2011)

Full Committee (112th Congress)
Jun 23, 2011
2123 Rayburn House Office Building

The full Committee on Energy and Commerce held a markup on Thursday, June 23, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. in  2123 Rayburn House Office Building.


Opening Statement of Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman on H.R. 1938, as prepared for delivery.
"I understand why big oil wants Keystone XL. And I know why they want to short-circuit the process. The more we learn about this project, the worse it looks. What I don’t know is why we should be weighing in on the side of the oil companies when the risks are so high for the American people." - Ranking Member Waxman

Opening Statement of Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman on the Semi-Annual Committee Activity Report, as prepared for delivery.
"The fact of the matter is that this Committee has accomplished virtually nothing since January. It is there on page 9 of the report.
Total bills and resolutions referred to the Committee: 417
Bills and resolutions reported to the House: 12
Public Laws: 0
For all of its labors, this Committee has decisively failed to meet the most urgent need of the American people today: to pass into law legislation that will promote jobs and jobs growth for the country. Instead, the Committee’s leadership has followed an extreme agenda across the Committee’s jurisdiction that is completely divorced from creating jobs, investment, and growth." - Ranking Member Waxman

Bill Text of H.R. 2273, the "Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act"

Bill Text of H.R. 1938, the "North American-Made Energy Security Act"

Semi-Annual Committee Activity Report



H.R. 2273, the "Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act," Postponed

Related Documents:

Letter to Chairman Upton on Discretionary CutGo Policy, June 22, 2011


H.R. 1938, the "North American-Made Energy Security Act," approved by roll call vote of 13 - 33.

Amendment by Ranking Member Waxman, defeated by voice vote.
Adds a finding regarding Transcanada’s claims about the effect of the pipeline on oil prices.

Amendment by Rep. Markey, defeated by roll call vote of 17 - 27.
Bars the exportation of any crude, bitumen or refined petroleum products transported by Keystone XL. The President may grant a waiver if exporting doesn’t increase our dependence on foreign oil, or increase costs to refiners and gasoline consumers.

Amendment by Rep. Dingell, approved by voice vote.
Ensures that the review process does not affect any requirements regarding environmental reviews.

Amendment by Rep. Rush, defeated by roll call vote of 16 - 27.
Strikes one of the findings in the legislation relating to analysis using EPA models.

Amendment by Rep. Rush, defeated by voice vote.
Revises the deadline for the final order from Nov. 1, 2011 to Jan. 1, 2012.

Amendment by Rep. Christensen, defeated by voice vote.
Adds a finding to the bill regarding an increase in carbon pollution related to the Keystone pipeline.

Amendment by Rep. Eshoo, withdrawn.
Requires a PHMSA review of risks associated with transporting bitumen in the context of current pipeline safety regulations.


Semi-Annual Committee Activity Report, approved by voice vote.

Amendment by Rep. Pallone, agreed to, as amended, by voice vote.
Examines how many children would lose healthcare coverage under Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program under the Republican budget.

Amendment by Rep. Burgess to Pallone Amendment, agreed to by voice vote.
Proposes oversight of the effects of the Affordable Care Act on children and Medicaid and the negative effects of Medicaid expansion.

Amendment by Rep. Pallone to Burgess Amendment, defeated by roll call vote of 15 - 24.
Provides an examination of the effects of the Republican budget on children.

Amendment by Rep. Engel, agreed to, as amended, by roll call vote of 28 - 0, 9 present.
Recommends opposition to proposals to end Medicare and replace it with a voucher program.

Amendment by Rep. Bass to Engel Amendment, agreed to by voice vote.
Strikes IPAB and supports other fiscal measures regarding Medicare.

Amendment by Rep. Waxman to Bass Amendment, defeated by roll call vote of 14 - 26.
Opposes Republican proposals to end Medicare and replace it with a voucher.

Amendment by Rep. Waxman, defeated by roll call vote of 15 - 25.
En bloc amendments pertain to the effects of the Republican budget on Medicare, Medicaid, nursing homes; and, with respect to the Committee's energy and climate and environmental jurisdiction, greenhouse gas emissions and issues affecting energy, safe drinking water, greenhouse gases, clean energy technologies and competitiveness, and climate change issues.


Webcast (Part I)

Webcast (Part II)


Key Documents: 
112th Congress