Category Archives: Retirement Security

GAO Reports That Help Protect Vulnerable Elders

News stories about older adults whose trusted family members or other caretakers deny them food and water, leave them to live under deplorable conditions, or physically and psychologically abuse them are all too common.  Neglect and abuse can often go … Continue reading

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Questionable Business Practices and Pension Advances

Pensions, in addition to Social Security, are what allow millions of middle-class retirees to maintain a reasonable standard of living. Any loss of pension benefits (partial or otherwise) can significantly affect a retiree’s ability to pay monthly living expenses, medical … Continue reading

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Retirees Need Options and Assistance to Make Money Last

As individuals are increasingly responsible for their financial security following retirement, the cost of limited financial literacy can be extremely high. Yet, recent survey data suggest that seniors have some of the lowest financial literacy rates. These surveys—which included questions … Continue reading

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How Changes in Marriage and Work Impact Women’s Retirement Security

For Women’s History Month, we take stock of retirement security challenges facing women. Retirement and survivor benefits from Social Security and some employer-sponsored pensions have historically helped protect couples and surviving spouses in old age. Many of these benefits were … Continue reading

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Are Financial Planners Always Working in Your Best Interest?

People frequently use financial planners for help with such things as selecting investments and insurance products, and managing tax and estate planning. Entrusting someone with your money can be risky. What steps can you take to mitigate that risk?  We … Continue reading

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Retirement Planning in the New Year

Have you looked at your retirement savings account lately? As you make your New Year’s resolutions, consider making retirement planning one of your goals. We were recently asked to look at whether other countries’ experiences with plans similar to 401(k) … Continue reading

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