Reichert Testifies on Importance of Mountains to Sound Greenway

Washington, D.C – Today, U.S. Congressman Dave Reichert (WA-8) testified before the Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation on his bill H.R. 1785,  the Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area Act.

Reichert said, “The Mountains to Sound Greenway is already a cultural and historical icon in Washington State.  Passage of this legislation would recognize that fact and help the communities around it thrive economically.  It would also offer further tourism and recreational opportunities to hundreds of thousands of people from not just the state, but around the nation and the world. I urge my colleagues to support the legislation and am grateful for the support of the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust and advocates such as Senator Slade Gorton who testified alongside me today.”


Twenty years of innovative conservation and collaborative solutions protect the natural heritage of the Greenway. This network of parks, forests, farms, and cities is part of a regional history and a legacy for future generations. The Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area will be a fitting recognition of this regional identity in the Pacific Northwest, and serve as a model of sustainability and cooperative solutions for the nation. 

A National Heritage Area is a large, lived-in area designated by the United States Congress where natural, cultural, historic and recreational resources combine to form a landscape of national distinction. This designation provides a flexible strategy to encourage residents, government agencies, nonprofit groups and private partners to collaboratively plan and implement projects to preserve a landscape, without affecting private property rights.