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Vets Legislation Heads to Senate

Jun 8, 2012

Chairman’s Corner

The major provision of the VOW to Hire Heroes Act is now being implemented by the departments of Labor and Veterans Affairs. Designed to aid veterans, ages 35-60, who have found themselves in the prime of their lives, unemployed, the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP) will provide these veterans with up to one year of Montgomery GI Bill benefits to retrain for jobs in high-demand fields. Although I have been encouraged by the efforts of DoL and VA to date, in light of May’s dismal jobs report more needs to be done. Please help us spread the word about VRAP to unemployed veterans you know in your communities. It is only through outreach at the local level that we can ensure this opportunity it taken advantage of to help our veterans find long-term careers.

Vets Legislation Sent to Senate

The House of Representatives reaffirmed its commitment to America’s servicemembers and veterans by passing H.R. 3670 and H.R. 4201. H.R. 3670 will require the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to comply with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), a law designed to help deployed National Guard and Reserve members return to their civilian jobs after a separation from military service. The Servicemember Family Protection Act (H.R. 4201) was also passed with overwhelming House support. To learn more about this legislation, click here.

D-Day at 68

This week, we observed the 68th anniversary of D-Day. In honor of the men who fought on the shores of Normandy, a 12-foot tall bronze statue was unveiled in the village of Sainte-Marie-du-Mont. The statue is a tribute to all U.S. junior military officers of the Second World War. It is fitting that the statue is of Major Dick Winters, perhaps the most revered junior military officer of World War II. Major Winters, a hero to many, became a figure of great prominence after his leadership was chronicled in the HBO miniseries “Band of Brothers.”

Remembering a Trailblazer

The United States Naval Academy has a never-ending list of esteemed graduates, men and women alike, who have done extraordinary things in service to our nation. One name that certainly appears on that list is that of Lt. Cmdr. Wesley Brown, the first African-American to graduate from the Academy. Sadly, Lt. Cmdr. Brown passed away last week. Brown, the former college track teammate of President Jimmy Carter, was 89. Rest in peace, Cmdr. Brown, and thank you for your service.

The War of 1812

On June 1, 1812, President James Madison, the “Father of Constitution,” asked Congress to declare war against the British. This was the first time America as an independent nation declared war against another nation. Seventeen days later, Congress made a formal declaration of war against Great Britain, leading to a battle that lasted nearly three years. To learn more about the events immediately leading up to the War of 1812, click here.

Happy Birthday U.S. Army! On June 14, the Army will turn 237! To wish our soldiers a Happy Birthday, please click here. June 14 is also Flag Day, on which we commemorate the adoption of the Stars & Stripes!