Hope to see you at Congress on Your Corner... Benghazi investigation marches on... And more...

Feb 6, 2014 Issues: Budget, National Security

GIVEN THE APPARENT GOODWILL toward the prospect of regular-order, there’s a lot of attention being paid to the upcoming budget cycle for Fiscal Year 2015, which, for the House and Senate, begins just a few weeks from now.  Though so far, the President is late in submitting his own budget proposal to Congress, typically delivered the first Monday of February, but this year delayed until March 4—at the earliest. 

WHAT WILL SCOTUS SAY ON RECESS APPOINTMENTS? Recently, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on National Labor Relations Board v. Noel Canning.  The Court’s judgment is sure to have significant implications on the interpretation and exercise of executive authority.

At the heart of the case is whether the President exceeded his constitutional authority in making several high-level federal appointments at a time when the Senate was in a pro forma session—and therefore, as argued, still able to provide advice and consent.  The Court is likely to consider three substantive questions: 1) When does the Senate recess? 2) Must a vacancy occur during a recess period? 3) Do pro-forma sessions on a three-day cycle permit the Senate to fully exercise its full constitutional obligations? 

As of now, a final judgment will be announced no later than June 30—the end of the Court’s current term.

CONGRESS ON YOUR CORNER—On February 18, from 10 AM to 1 PM, I will be at my Temecula office (41000 Main Street), where I will be hosting open office hours for anyone who wants to come by to either say hello or raise any issues of interest or concern.  My staff will also be available to support anyone needing help with a federal agency.  And if you do need assistance, please bring any paperwork or relevant material that’s necessary to make inquiries on your behalf. 

HOUSE PASSES THE TARGET PRACTICE AND MARKSMANSHIP TRAINING SUPPORT ACT, bipartisan and deficit-neutral legislation I introduced to promote safe public shooting ranges and firearm safety.  For the bill’s specifics, read my press release.

BENGHAZI INVESTIGATION MARCHES ON… And to put in public view all the unclassified documents collected by House Republicans thus far, a website was created that will be updated as more information becomes available.  This week, several additional requests for information were put forward, including one of my own directed to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  I’ll provide more information on this request in the next edition of my newsletter.   

COMMITTEE LEADERS INTRODUCE COAST GUARD & MARITIME TRANSPORTATION BILL—this is my first reauthorization bill as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation.  The Coast Guard is a first line of defense against threats to our shores and this legislation is necessary to support the Coast Guard mission—which is visible in San Diego.  A full rundown of the bill is available on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s website.       

22,000—That’s how many Americans have been overcharged, put on wrong insurance plans or denied coverage under Obamacare, as reported by the Washington Post.  Adding insult to injury, the appeals system has yet to be fully implemented.

In more not-so-good news, the Congressional Budget Office reported this week that Obamacare is projected to result in more than 2 million Americans leaving the labor market. 

CALLING ALL HIGH-SCHOOL STUDENTS—Careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) are attracting talented students who are interested in innovating.  Area high-school students are invited to participate in the first annual Congressional STEM Academic Competition to demonstrate their technological proficiency by designing a software application or “App” for mobile, tablet or computer device.  The student with the best App will be featured on the House of Representative’s website (www.house.gov).  More information is available on my website.

FUN FACT: GI JOE TURNS 50 this month.  Debuted in 1964, GI JOE action figures are more than just toys or characters for the silver screen.   The figures have evolved over decades and as stated in a story by the Associated Press, “Joe stood for everything that was meant to be good: fighting evil, doing what’s right for people.” 

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