More on Economy

Time for the Real Unemployment Calculation Act

Apr 18, 2012 Column

Any time the federal government presents a new statistic or report, the American people are right to assume they are receiving the most accurate and reliable information. More importantly, they expect the truth. In the case of the American economy,...

Hunter Statement on February Jobs Report

Mar 9, 2012 Press Release

Washington, D.C. —Today, Representative Duncan Hunter responded to the national unemployment report for February—showing the national jobless rate holding steady at 8.3 percent from the previous month. “The economy is showing some positive signs,...

Hunter Introduces Legislation to Recognize TRUE Unemployment

Mar 1, 2012 Press Release

Washington, D.C. —In preparation for the release of new unemployment figures this month, Representative Duncan Hunter, joined by a group of House lawmakers, introduced the Real Unemployment Calculation Act today.  The legislation requires the Bureau...

Hunter Announces February Job Fair

Feb 6, 2012 Press Release

Washington, D.C. — Representative Duncan Hunter announced today that he will host another community job fair, in partnership with the East and North County Career Centers, and the San Diego North and Poway Chambers of Commerce, on February 24, from...

Hunter Amendment to Study Port of San Diego Accepted by House Committee

Feb 2, 2012 Press Release

Washington, D.C. — During consideration of H.R. 7, the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act, by the House Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committee today, Representative Duncan Hunter successfully offered an amendment to require a...

Hunter Statement on Administration’s Rejection of Keystone XL Pipeline

Jan 18, 2012 Press Release

Washington, D.C. — Representative Duncan Hunter responded to the Administration’s decision to reject the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline today, calling it a decision made in the President’s own political interests. “Construction of the...

Defense Business Panel Holds San Diego Industry Roundtable

Jan 13, 2012 Press Release

Washington, D.C. — On Thursday, Rep. Duncan Hunter and Rep. Susan Davis, both members of the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), hosted Rep. Bill Shuster, Chairman of the HASC Panel on Business Challenges within the Defense Industry, and other...

Hunter Supports Legislation to Repeal Withholding of Small Business Payments

Oct 26, 2011 Press Release

Washington D.C.--Congressman Duncan Hunter today supported legislation, H.R. 674, to repeal the job-killing 3 percent withholding tax scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2013. “There are areas of common agreement between House Republicans and...

Bill Targets Predatory Litigation

Oct 21, 2011 Column

When it comes to job-creation barriers, there's a litany of tax and regulatory impediments contributing to high unemployment and preventing employers from putting people back to work. Often missing from the discussion on what's holding back job...

Stop Exporting American Jobs

Aug 23, 2011 Column

With almost 1 in 10 Americans out of work, the need for immediate job growth cannot be overstated. What's ironic is that with all the talk about jobs and recovery, not a whole lot is being said about the record number of jobs still going overseas....
