Tag Archives: performance

Why Do GAO Recommendations Get Implemented?

While GAO is empowered to make recommendations to federal agencies and to bring matters to Congress for their consideration, we don’t actually have the authority to require agencies to make changes. Yet, we consistently report results we have achieved for … Continue reading

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How Data, Leadership, and Collaboration Can Improve Government Results

Effective performance management helps the federal government to improve outcomes in areas that affect nearly every aspect of Americans’ lives, from education, healthcare, and housing to national and homeland security. To that end, the Office of Management and Budget released … Continue reading

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FY 2013 Performance and Accountability Summary Report

As an independent non-partisan agency that serves as the audit and investigative arm of Congress, we examine how taxpayer dollars are spent and advise lawmakers and agency heads on ways to make government work better. We recently issued a summary of … Continue reading

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