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Contact: Jessica Mancari (202) 225-6365
Forbes Receives Tax Fighter Award
Washington, D.C. , Oct 8, 2010 -

Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) was recently recognized with the Tax Fighter Award from the National Tax Limitations Committee (NTLC). The award is given to Members of Congress with a strong voting record in the 111th Congress on behalf of American taxpayers.


“Randy Forbes has been a major asset to taxpayers across America during his congressional service, having earned the Tax Fighter Award consistently in every session of Congress.  He has had the courage to challenge the orthodoxy of Washington spending,” said NTLC President Lewis K. Uhler.


Congressman Forbes received an A grade from the NTLC for his votes to stop the passage of government-run healthcare and cap-and-trade legislation, to make the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts permanent, to eliminate the death tax, to kill the Alternative Minimum Tax, to provide incentives for private savings, investment and job creation and to control the growth of federal spending.


“I have long said that Washington needs to abandon deficit spending and stimulus quick-fixes and instead return to economic principles that promote recovery and encourage the creation of much-needed new jobs, including reining in spending and providing much-needed tax incentives to American businesses and families. It is an honor to receive this award from the NTLC," said Forbes.


The National Tax Limitation Committee (NTLC) was established in 1975 and is one of the longest standing organizations advocating lower tax rates and reduced government spending in America.

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